
Transgen Biotech

Transgen Biotech

About Transgen Biotech Co, LTD

Transgen Biotech Co, LTD is a Chinese biotech company headquartered in Beijing

In 2006, Transgen Biotech was founded by three scientists with the aim of developing, producing and distributing innovative and cost-effective products for the life science sector.

With more than 200 products for molecular and cell biology, Transgen Biotech is present in the market. Through their distributor network, they cover in all major cities in China, as well as in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa.

Product Portfolio

Transgen Biotech offers a broad product portfolio of reagents for molecular and cell biology. For example, PCR reagents such as PCR/qPCR/RT-PCR polymerases, enzymes and "SuperMixes" are available; in addition, DNA markers, highly efficient chemically competent cells and 5-minute cloning and expression vectors are available. Also included are nucleic acid extraction and purification kits, cell culture media, and materials for next-generation sequencing and stem cell research.

PCR Reagents

In addition to classic PCR, there are also optimized variants for different applications.

Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is used to determine the amount of DNA segment amplified. An inactive fluorescent dye is used, which is activated by DNA production. After each cycle, the fluorescence can be measured and the amount of DNA amplified can be determined as a result.

Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) enables the amplification of RNA. In this procedure, RNA is transcribed into DNA and then amplified. RT-PCR can also be combined with q-PCR, allowing real-time quantification of RNA. The combination is then called qRT-PCR.

In the following, we present a selection of different PCR reagents. The products are available in different units and specifications.

Name Type Cat. No.
TransFast® Taq DNA Polymerase PCR-Enzym TRG-AP101-01.
EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase PCR-Enzym TRG-AP111-01
TransStart® Top Green qPCR SuperMix PCR-SuperMix TRG-AQ131-01
2×EasyTaq® PCR SuperMix PCR-SuperMix TRG-AS111-02
TransScript®-Uni One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix RT-PCR TRG-AU311-02
TransScript® II One-Step RT-PCR SuperMix (+dye) RT-PCR TRG-AH411-02
TransScript® Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix qRT-PCR TRG-AQ221-01

Serum-free medium

A variety of serum-free media for cultures and a wide range of cells are available in our store from our partner Transgen Biotech.

Name Type Cat. No.
TransStemTM Chemically Defined Xeno-free Cell Cryopreservation Medium Cell identification and preservation TRG-MC101-01.
TransDifferTM Human Neural Stem Cells Differentiation Kit Cell differentiation TRG-MN301-01
TransStemTM Chemically Defined Xeno-free Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Medium Culture medium TRG-MP101-01
TransSmall® Y-27632 (Dihydrochloride) Small molecules TRG-MS101-01

Mycoplasma Detection

Mycoplasma are cell wall-less, often parasitic bacteria that cause a variety of diseases. An important representative of mycoplasmas in human medicine is Mycoplasma pneumoniae which causes, among other things, atypical pneumonia or is also associated with meningitis and middle ear infections.

Name Type Cat. No.
TransDetect® Luciferase Mycoplasma Detection Kit Mycloplasm detection TRG-FM301-01
TransSafeTM Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent (TransMyco-1+2) Mycloplasm detection TRG-FM401-01
TransSafeTM Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent (TransMyco-3) Mycloplasm detection TRG-FM411-01
TransSafeTM Mycoplasma Prevention Reagent Mycloplasm detection TRG-FM501-01
TransDetect® PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit Mycloplasm detection TRG-FM311-01

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