


AcZon - Specialist for Silica-Nanoparticles

The Italian company AcZon is our specialist for silica nanoparticles (nanoprobes). The high quality life science products are used in the fields of diagnostic, research and medicine. The reagents, including fluorescent antibodies, are optimized for a variety of applications. Our partner combines the potential of chemistry, biotechnology and nanotechnology and uses it as a basis to develop a range of new reagents for in vitro diagnostics and research. The AcZon product range is constantly improved and developed by experienced chemists and biologists. The company is committed to the development and production of reagents that are characterized by high brilliance, stability and sensitivity.

As a central business element, AcZon puts research in the first place. The development of new probes for the IVD market and for in vitro imaging and therapy applications has top priority. The production process uses the latest machinery and equipment. High quality and efficiency standards are guaranteed by a highly specialized quality control.

One research branch of our partner AcZon Pharma deals with the field of immunofluorescence. Common problems with this application are the fact that the fluorophores used are mostly unstable, the emitted signal is pH-dependent, or other external reactions of the molecules take place. AcZon contributes to solving these problems with silica nanoparticles (SiNPs). The high sensitive compounds are protected by the external environment and therefore have a high resistance to photo bleaching. Since each nanoparticle contains numerous fluorescent molecules, the results of the fluorescence signal are improved compared to standard technologies. The synthesis of nanoparticles is extremely versatile: size, external functionalization and doping (addition of molecules within the nanoparticles) can be adjusted if necessary by changing the reaction conditions. Finally, due to the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains, AcZon nanoparticles are highly water-soluble and biocompatible.

The NanoChromes product line contains various fluorescent nanoparticles, each with a single fluorophore. The NanoChrome excitation and emission waves are specific for the molecule contained in the silica matrix. The number of fluorescent molecules bound per signal molecule is higher than in conventional ones, in which an anchor point on the signal molecule corresponds to a single fluorescent molecule. The presence of many fluorescent species per signal molecule results in a stronger response signal. The silicon dioxide matrix has a double protective effect: it protects the highly sensitive fluorescent molecules from the effects of the interference agents in the environment and provides a more stable signal. Isolating the fluorescent molecules in the core of the nanoparticle prevents them from binding non-specifically to blood cells, which results in a clearer signal due to the reduction in background noise.


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