
Goat anti Human C3

Item no. 18-511-245591
Manufacturer GENWAY
Amount 10 ml
Type Antibody
Specific against Human
Host Goat
ECLASS 10.1 32160702
ECLASS 11.0 32160702
UNSPSC 12352203
Alias GWB-22632B
Similar products 18-511-245591
Genway ID:
Host Animal:
Purified human C3
Complement C3
Monospecific by immunoelectrophoresis (IEP) against normal human plasma and 2x concentrated normal human serum.
Type of Product:
Polyclonal Antibodies to Proteins and Bioactive Peptides
Total protein: 53 OD280nm Units/mlPreservatives: NaN3
0. 05M Tris 0. 5M Sodium Chloride pH 7. 5Applications Notes : Specific methodologies have not been tested using this product.
This product contains sodium azide which has been classified as Xn (Harmful) in European Directive 67/548/EEC in the concentration range of 0. 1â ??1. 0%. When disposing of this reagent through lead or copper plumbing flush with copious volumes of water to prevent azide build-up in drains. Goat anti Human C3. Goat Antibody to Human Complement Component 3 (C3). Turbidimetric grade
C3 plays a central role in the activation of the complement system. Its processing by C3 convertase is the central reaction in both classical and alternative complement pathways. After activation C3b can bind covalently via its reactive thioester to cell surface carbohydrates or immune aggregates.
Derived from proteolytic degradation of complement C3 C3a anaphylatoxin is a mediator of local inflammatory process. It induces the contraction of smooth muscle increases vascular permeability and causes histamine release from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes.
C3 precursor is first processed by the removal of 4 Arg residues forming two chains beta and alpha linked by a disulfide bond. C3 convertase activates C3 by cleaving the alpha chain releasing C3a anaphylatoxin and generating C3b (beta chain + alpha\' chain). During pregnancy C3dg exists as a complex (probably a 2:2:2 heterohexamer) with AGT and the proform of PRG2. Interacts with CR2 and VSIG4.
Subcellular Location:
C3b is rapidly split in two positions by factor I and a cofactor to form iC3b (inactivated C3b) and C3f which is released. Then iC3b is slowly cleaved (possibly by factor I) to form C3c (beta chain + alpha\' chain fragment 1 + alpha\' chain fragment 2) C3dg and C3f. Other proteases produce other fragments such as C3d or C3g.
There are two alleles: C3S (C3 slow) the most common allele in all races and C3F (C3 fast) relatively frequent in Caucasoids less common in Black Americans extremely rare in Orientals.
Defects in C3 are the cause of C3 deficiency [MIM:120700]. It can result in susceptibility to pyogenic infection.
Genetic variation in C3 is associated with susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration type 9 (ARMD9) [MIM:611378]. ARMD is a multifactorial eye disease and the most common cause of irreversible vision loss in the developed world. In most patients the disease is manifest as ophthalmoscopically visible yellowish accumulations of protein and lipid that lie beneath the retinal pigment epithelium and within an elastin-containing structure known as Bruch membrane.
Contains 1 anaphylatoxin-like domain.
Contains 1 NTR domain.

Note: The presented information and documents (Manual, Product Datasheet, Safety Datasheet and Certificate of Analysis) correspond to our latest update and should serve for orientational purpose only. We do not guarantee the topicality. We would kindly ask you to make a request for specific requirements, if necessary.

All products are intended for research use only (RUO). Not for human, veterinary or therapeutic use.

Amount: 10 ml
Available: In stock


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