
SP100 Recombinant Protein Human European Partner

Item no. BOS-PROTP23497
Manufacturer Boster
Amount 20ug
Type Proteins Recombinant
Format Solution
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 32160409
ECLASS 11.0 32160409
UNSPSC 12352202
Alias Nuclear autoantigen Sp-100;Nuclear dot-associated Sp100 protein;Speckled 100 kDa;SP100;
Sp100 is supplied in 16mM HEPES buffer pH-8.0, 400mM NaCl, and 20% glycerol.
Recombinant Sp100  antigen is a full-length cDNA coding having a molecular mass of 54, 662 Dalton (pH 5.0).Shows a 79kDa band on SDS-PAGE. Sp100 protein is  fused to a hexa-histidine purification tag.
Gene name
Protein function
Together with PML, this tumor suppressor is a major constituent of the PML bodies, a subnuclear organelle involved in a large number of physiological processes including cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Functions as a transcriptional coactivator of ETS1 and ETS2 according to PubMed:11909962. Under certain conditions, it may also act as a corepressor of ETS1 preventing its binding to DNA according to PubMed:15247905. Through the regulation of ETS1 it may play a role in angiogenesis, controlling endothelial cell motility and invasion. Through interaction with the MRN complex it may be involved in the regulation of telomeres lengthening. May also regulate TP53- mediated transcription and through CASP8AP2, regulate FAS-mediated apoptosis. Also plays a role in infection by viruses, including human cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus, through mechanisms that may involve chromatin and/or transcriptional regulation.
Greater than 80% as determined by SDS-PAGE.
Shipped with wet ice
Short description
Recombinant Sp100 antigen is a full-length cDNA coding having a molecular mass of 54, 662 Dalton (pH 5.0).Shows a 79kDa band on SDS-PAGE. Sp100 protein is fused to a hexa-histidine purification tag.
Store in -20° C for long term storage. After reconstitution, store in 4° C for short term usage within a few days. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Subcellular localization
Nucleus. Nucleus, PML body. Cytoplasm. Differences in the subnuclear localization of the different isoforms seem to exist and may also be cell cycle- and interferon- dependent. Accumulates in the cytoplasm upon FAS activation.
Tissue specificity
Widely expressed. Sp100-B is expressed only in spleen, tonsil, thymus, mature B-cell line and some T-cell line, but not in brain, liver, muscle or non-lymphoid cell lines.
Format Information
Sterile filtered colorless solution.

Note: The presented information and documents (Manual, Product Datasheet, Safety Datasheet and Certificate of Analysis) correspond to our latest update and should serve for orientational purpose only. We do not guarantee the topicality. We would kindly ask you to make a request for specific requirements, if necessary.

All products are intended for research use only (RUO). Not for human, veterinary or therapeutic use.

Amount: 20ug
Available: Out of stock
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