
PDIA3 polyclonal antibody

Manufacturer Bioworld Technology, Inc
Type Antibody Polyclonal
Specific against Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, IF, IHC
Amount 50ul
Host Rabbit
Item no. BS6140-50
Targets CALR;;ESR1;;GSTP1
eClass 6.1 32160702
eClass 9.0 32160702
Alias 58 a glucose regulated protein, 58 a glucose-regulated protein, 58 a microsomal protein, Disulfide isomerase ER 60, Disulfide isomerase ER-60, Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 57, Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 60, ER p57, ER protein 57, ER
Application all
WB: 1:500ca.1:2000 IHC/IF: 1:50ca.1:200
ERp57, also designated GRP57, GRP58, ERp60 and ERp61, is a component of the MHC class I pathway that appears to interact with MHC class I molecules before they associate with TAP. The human ERp57 gene maps to chromosome 15q15 and encodes a 505 amino acid protein. ERp57 has two Trp-Cys-Gly-His-Cys-Lys motifs completely conserved among the mammals. ERp57 may act as a protease, a protein disulfide isomerase, a phospholipase or a combination of these.
1mg/ml in PBS with 0.1% Sodium Azide, 50% Glycerol.
Purification and Purity
The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen and the purity is > 95% (by SDS-PAGE).
Storage and Stability
Store at 4C short term. Aliquot and store at -20C long term. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
PDIA3 pAb detects endogenous levels of PDIA3 protein.
WesternBlot (WB) analysis of PDIA3 polyclonal antibody
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis of PDIA3 polyclonal antibody in paraffin-embedded Rat Kidney tissue.
Immunofluorescence analysis of Hela cells, using PDIA3 polyclonal antibody
ca. 58 kDa
For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedure.
Alternative Name
58 a glucose regulated protein, 58 a glucose-regulated protein, 58 a microsomal protein, Disulfide isomerase ER 60, Disulfide isomerase ER-60, Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 57, Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 60, ER p57, ER protein 57, ER protein 60, ERp 57, ERp57, ERp60, ERp61, Glucose Regulated Protein 58, GRP 57, GRP 58, GRP57, GRP58, HsT17083, P58, PDIA 3, PDIA3, PDIA3, Phospholipase C alpha, PI PLC, Protein disulfide isomerase A3, Protein disulfide isomerase famil
Recombinant full length Human PDIA3.

Note: The presented information and documents (Manual, Product Datasheet, Safety Datasheet and Certificate of Analysis) correspond to our latest update and should serve for orientational purpose only. We do not guarantee the topicality. We would kindly ask you to make a request for specific requirements, if necessary.

All products are intended for research use only (RUO). Not for human, veterinary or therapeutic use.

Amount: 50ul
Available: In stock


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