
Rat L4 Array, Glass Slide

Item no. AAR-BLG-4-8
Manufacturer Raybiotech
Amount 8 Sample Kit
Quantity options 4 Sample Kit 8 Sample Kit
Type Array
Specific against Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
ECLASS 10.1 32161000
ECLASS 11.0 32161000
UNSPSC 41116126
Shipping condition Cool pack
Manufacturer - Applications
Multiplexed Protein Detection
Detection of Relative Protein Expression
Detecting Patterns of Cytokine Expression
Biomarker Screening
Identifying Key Factors
Confirming a Biological Process
Cross-species testing
Manufacturer - Category
Arrays|High-Density Arrays|Antibody Arrays|Label-Based Antibody Arrays
Shipping Temperature
Blue ice
Number of Targets Detected
Compatible Sample Types
Cell Culture Supernatants
Cell Lysates
Other Body Fluids

Tissue Lysates
Design Principle
Method of Detection
Fluorescence Laser Scanner
Solid Support
Glass Slide
Gene Symbols
A1bg | A1m | Ace2 | Ackr1 | Actb | Actn2 | Adam17 | Adam9 | Adgrg2 | Adnp| Adrb2 | Aebp1 | Afp | Agxt | Akt1 | Aldh2 | Alox5 | Alpp | Ambp | Amh | Amph | Amy2 | Ang | Angpt2 | Anxa11 | Anxa2 | Apoh | Aqr | Arc | Atf2 | Atf6 | Atg3 | Atm | Axin1 | Bag4 | Bag6 | Bambi | Barx1 | Bcan | Bche | Becn1 | Bmx | Bnip3l | Bok | Brsk2 | Calb2 | Cald1 | Camk2b | Camkk1 | Capg | Car14 | Cartpt | Cav1 | Ccar2 | Ccl4 | Ccr2 | Ccr6 | Ccr8 | Ccr9 | Cct7 | Cd164 | Cd19 | Cd209 | Cd28 | Cd36 | Cd40 | Cd44 | Cd59 | Cdc25a | Cdc25c | Cdh15 | Cdh5 | Cdh8 | Cdk1 | Cdk2 | Ceacam1 | Celf1 | Ces1d | Chordc1 | Chuk | Ckb | Clec11a | Clec1b | Clec5a | Cntn3 | Col1a1 | Col6a1 | Colec10 | Cops5 | Copz1 | Cpeb3 | Cplx1 | Cpm | Crebbp | Csf1 | Csnk1a1 | Csnk1d | Csnk1e | Csnk1g1 | Csnk2b | Cspg5 | Csrp1 | Ctsg | Cxcr3 | Cxcr6 | Cytl1 | Dag1 | Ddc | Ddt | Ddx1 | Defa6 | Dgkg | Dgkq | Disc1 | Dkk1 | Dkk2 | Dlg4 | Dock1 | Dot1l | Draxin | Dsc2 | Dusp6 | Dyrk1a | Efemp2 | Efnb3 | Egln1 | Eif3d | Eif6 | Elavl1 | Elob | Eng | Eno2 | Ensa | Entpd5 | Epas1 | Epcam | Epha3 | Erbb4 | Ercc3 | Ern1 | Erp44 | Fancd2 | Fasn | Fbp1 | Fcgr2 | Fcgr3a | Fcgrt | Fcmr | Fen1 | Fkbp8 | Flna | Foxa2 | Foxp3 | Fscn1 | Fstl4 | Fuca1 | Fyn | G3bp1 | G6pdx | Gabarapl2 | Gabbr1 | Gabbr2 | Gabra1 | Gabra5 | Galnt2 | Gdf1 | Gdf7 | Gdi1 | Glra1 | Glud1 | Gnl3 | Golgb1 | Gphn | Gpld1 | Gpx2 | Gpx4 | Grb7 | Grm2 | Grm5 | Gsk3a | H2afx | H6pd | Habp2 | Hao1 | Hbb | Hcls1 | Hdac2 | Hdac4 | Hhex | Hibadh | Hist1h1e | Hjv | Hmgb1 | Hmgn2 | Hmox1 | Hnrnpu | Homer1 | Hp1bp3 | Hprt1 | Hrh3 | Hs6st3 | Hsp90b1 | Hspa2 | Hspa5 | Hspb8 | Hspg2 | Icam5 | Ikbkg | Il12rb2 | Il17f | Il17ra | Il20rb | Il21r | Il6r | Impa1 | Impad1 | Impdh2 | Inhbe | iNOS | Inpp5d | Irs1 | Irs2 | Itga5 | Itga8 | Itgb1 | ITGB5 | Itgb6 | Itln1 | Itpr3 | JAK1 | JPT1 | Jup | Kcnb2 | Kcnc1 | Kl | Klk7 | Klrb1a | Kmo | Kpnb1 | Kyat1 | Kynu | Lamb2 | Lamc1 | Lhx5 | Lipg | Lman1l | Lmna | Lpin2 | Lrpap1 | Lum | Lyve1 | Lyz1 | Mad2l1 | Mafb | Map1lc3b | Map2k1 | Map3k2 | Map3k21 | Map4k4 | Mapk1 | Mapk14 | Mapk3 | Mapk4 | Mapk8ip1 | Matn4 | Mb | Mbp | Mchr1 | Mdga2 | Mdh1 | Mdm2 | Mesd | mGluR1a | Mib1 | Mios | Mlst8 | Mn1 | Mpp5 | Mras | Msh6 | Msi1 | Msr1 | Mt2A | Mup | Myd88 | Myh1 | Nap1l1 | Nbn | Ncam2 | Ncln | Ncor1 | Ndfip1 | Ndst1 | Nectin1 | Nectin3 | Neurog2 | Ngfr | Ninj2 | Nkx2-2 | Nlrp10 | Npc1 | Nr3c1 | Nrcam | Nt5e | Nuak1 | Nucb2 | Nxph3 | Ocm | Oprk1 | Oprm1 | Pabpc1 | Pak4 | Pak6 | Panx1 | Park7 | Parl | Pcbp2 | Pcdh12 | Pck2 | Pcna | Pcsk9 | Pdap1 | Pdcd5 | Pdcd6 | Pdhx | Pdk1 | Pdx1 | Pdzk1 | Pebp1 | Pgam2 | Pgk1 | Pgls | Pglyrp1 | Pgm1 | Phb2 | Pik3r1 | Piwil2 | Pklr | Pkn2 | Pla2g2a | Plcb4 | Plcg1 | Plin1 | Plod2 | Pltp | Plxna1 | Plxna2 | Plxna3 | Plxnb3 | Pnpla2 | Ppm1b | Ppm1l | Ppp1r10 | Ppp1r1b | Ppp1r8 | Ppp1r9b | Ppp2ca | Prcp | Prdx5 | Prg2 | Prkab1 | Prkar1b | Prkcb | Prkcg | Prnp | Prss21 | Prss3 | Psmb3 | Pten | Ptgds | Ptges3 | Ptgfrn | Ptpn11 | Ptpn9 | Ptprg | Ptprm | Ptpru | Pvalb | Pxn | Qdpr | Rab11a | Rab27a | Rab7a | Rac1 | Rack1 | Rad17 | Raf1 | Rap1a | Rap2a | Rbmx | Recql4 | Reg4 | Retnlg | Rgmb | Rhog | Ripk1 | Rnase2 | Rnase4 | Rnf2 | Rock1 | Rpl10a | Rpl11 | Rpl22 | Rplp2 | Rps11 | Rps19 | Rps25 | Rps4x | Rps6 | Rps6ka1 | Rps6kb1 | Rptor | Rras2 | Rtn1 | Rxfp1 | Ryk | Sars | Scgb3a1 | Sdc3 | Sec13 | Secisbp2 | Sema3f | Senp8 | Serpina12 | Serpina3n | Serpina6 | Serpind1 | Serpine2 | Sh2d2a | Sh3gl2 | Shc1 | Six3 | Smagp | Smoc1 | Smurf2 | Snap25 | Sod1 | Sod2 | Sod3 | Spock2 | Spp1 | Sqstm1 | Srsf2 | St3gal2 | Stat5b | stat6 | Stim1 | Stip1 | Stk10 | Stk17b | Stk3 | Stx1b | Stx7 | Stx8 | Stxbp1 | Sumo3 | Susd2 | Syne2 | Syt1 | Tac1 | Tfrc | Th | Themis | Thpo | Tlr7 | Tnnt2 | Tnr | Top2b | Trim63 | Trpv1 | Try3 | Tsc22d1 | Tshb | Ttgn1 | Tubb1 | Txndc17 | Txndc2 | Txnrd1 | Ubash3b | Ube2n | Uqcrb | Urod | Vapb | Vcam1 | Vcan | Vim | Vtcn1 | Wnk1 | Wnk2 | Wt1 | Wwox | Yap1 | Yes1 | Ywhab | Ywhag | Zbtb4
Kit Components
Ray Bio® L-Series Antibody Array Glass Slide(s)
Spin Columns
Labeling Reagent
Stop Solution
Blocking Buffer
Wash Buffer 1
Wash Buffer 2
Streptavidin-Conjugated Fluor
Adhesive Plastic Strips
Labeling Buffer
Lysis Buffer30 ml Centrifuge Tube
Other Materials Required
Distilled or de-ionized water
Small plastic or glass containers
Orbital shaker or oscillating rocker1 ml tube
Pipettors, pipette tips and other common lab consumables
Aluminum foil
Gene microarray scanner or similar laser fluorescence scanner
View Compatible Laser Scanners
Don't have a compatible scanner? Ray Biotech now offers F
REE scanning service for all RayBio glass slide antibody arrays! Learn More
Protocol Outline
Purify Samples with Spin Column
Biotinylate Samples
Purify biotinylated samples using spin column
Dry the glass slide
Block array surface
Incubate with Samples
Incubate with Streptavidin-Conjugated Fluor
Disassemble the glass slide
Scan with a gene microarray laser scanner
Perform densitometry and analysis
Product Features
High density arrays
Unbiased detection through direct biotin labeling of samples
Low sample consumption
High detection sensitivity
Same day result
Affordable and simple to use

Note: The presented information and documents (Manual, Product Datasheet, Safety Datasheet and Certificate of Analysis) correspond to our latest update and should serve for orientational purpose only. We do not guarantee the topicality. We would kindly ask you to make a request for specific requirements, if necessary.

All products are intended for research use only (RUO). Not for human, veterinary or therapeutic use.

Amount: 8 Sample Kit
Available: In stock

Delivery expected until 4/17/2025 


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