Hölzel donates
A soft spot for research
Hölzel supports the charity for children with cancer „Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder e.V. Köln“ through „DAT KÖLSCHE HÄTZ“.
Since February 2018 we donate monthly to the „Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder e.V. Köln“. It is close to our heart to support the affected children and especially their families as well as supporting the advance of cancer research.
We are very pleased that our donations arrive exactly where they are needed. For this reason, we will donate an additional € 5 with every online order to be able to make an even greater impact.
„DAT KÖLSCHE HÄTZ“ is a charity carnival event for the benefit of the „Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder e.V. Köln“.
In 2000, founded by an affected father, the first meeting took place and was a great success. All proceeds from the annual charity carnival session and other events go entirely to the „Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder e.V. Köln“.
This charity supports families of children with cancer through various measures such as the parents' house in Cologne, offers on the children's cancer ward, free time or family support. All donations are fully used for the association's goal and directly benefit the children and their families.
Since then, the team has been working to set an example and create a sustainable improvement in the living conditions of children with cancer and their families.