
MemGlow 640 - Fluorogenic Plasma Membrane probe ex 650 em 673 250-1500 slides (MEMBRIGHT Family Probe)

ArtNr MG04-10
Hersteller Cytoskeleton
Menge 250-1500 slides
Quantity options 50-300 slides 250-1500 slides
Typ Reagents
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 42051003
ECLASS 11.0 42051003
UNSPSC 12000000
Versandbedingung Raumtemperatur
Shipping Temperature
Storage Conditions
On Arrival: 4°C
The MemGlow product line consists of bright & non toxic live cell membrane probes. Originally developed as the MEMBRIGHT probes1-3 MemGlow fluorogenic probes exhibit ideal microscopy characteristics including high specificity, low background, and simple application. MemGlow 640 has been validated with multiple microscopy techniques including epifluorescent (widefield), confocal, 2-photon, and TIRF1. MemGlow has been confirmed to work in fixed cells, fixed tissue, live cells, and other phospholipid membranes such as extracellular vesicles including exosomes1-3. Features and advantages of MemGlow probes: Bright and fluorogenic Simple staining protocol and low working concentration Compatible with live and fixed cell staining (see important technical notes inAbout Tab) Compatible with ex vivo and fixed tissue staining Non-toxic probes permit long-term imaging and re-imaging of live cells Efficient labeling of filopodia and nanotubes at nanomolar concentrations No dye quenching steps required Do not alter sample biology Utilize cyanine or BODIPY dyes with zwitterionic membrane anchor groups Superior to many existing plasma membrane dyes
For more detailed information on using this product see the About Tab
** 2 nmol of MemGlow will produce a 20uM stock solutionWhen reconstituted with 100 ul of anhydrous DMSO
For an in-depth look at MemGlow probes (part of the MemBrightfamily) view their groundbreaking publication by clicking this link
Learn about the advances in membrane probes and tools: newsletter
See what makes MemGlow a superior membrane dye
Turn-on mechanism of MemGlow probes. MemGlow probes are self-quenched nanoparticles until integration with the plasma membrane enables their excitation. Cytoskeleton's new MemGlow probes, part of the MemBright family, was used to visualize the plasma membrane of live KB cells with a laser scanning confocal microscope set to 5% laser power (488 nm) for 340 frames with 2 scans per frame and continuous illumination for 15 minutes.
MEMBRIGHT is a trademark of CNRS/UNISTRA of France.
Weight (grams)

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 250-1500 slides
Lieferbar: In stock


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