
Dextran CLIO Magnetic Nanoparticles - Biotin, Fluorescent Dye, 40 kDa, AFDye 555

Hersteller Luna Nanotech
Menge 2 mL
Typ Nano Particles
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 32169090
ECLASS 11.0 32169090
UNSPSC 12000000
Product info
Dextran Size: 40 kDa
Fluorescent Dye Label: AFDye 555
Volume (@ 5 mg/mL Fe): 2 mL

General Information

Fluorescent, Biotin functionalized Dextran coated crosslinked iron oxide nanoparticles (CLIO-BIOTD) have 1-3 superparamagnetic Fe3O4 iron oxide cores (8-10 nm in diameter) imbedded within the matrix of dextran strands of 40 or 70 kDa in size. Dextran strands are crosslinked to prevent their disassociation, ensuring long-term stability. Biotin and fluorescence dye are covalently conjugated to the nanoparticle surface.

Fluorescently labeled (AFDye 488, AFDye 555, AFDye 647, or IR750 dye)
Highly biocompatible, non-toxic
Long term stable under physiological conditions
40 kDa and 70 kDa dextran coats are available
Easy loading of biomolecules such as Antibodies through Streptavidin-Biotin interaction

In vitro and in vivo dual magnetic and fluorescence labels for cells and tissues.
Magnetic, fluorescence, or dual cell separation.
Probes for MRI.

Iron Oxide Core Diameter: 8 – 10 nm
Hydrodynamic Diameter: 50 – 110 nm
Polydispersity Index (PDI): < 0.3
Magnetization: 5 – 30 emu/g (room temperature)
Fluorescent Dye:
AFDye 488 (AlexaFluor 488 analog, Abs/Em = 490/525, Filter set: FITC)
AFDye 555 (AlexaFluor 555 analog, Abs/Em = 555/580, Filter set: TRITC)
AFDye 647 (AlexaFluor 647 analog, Abs/Em = 650/665, Filter set: Cy5)
IR750 (IRDye 750 analog, Abs/Em = 756/776, Filter set: Cy7)
Shelf life: > 1 year (4°C storage)

Hinweis: Die dargestellten Informationen und Dokumente (Bedienungsanleitung, Produktdatenblatt, Sicherheitsdatenblatt und Analysezertifikat) entsprechen unserem letzten Update und sollten lediglich der Orientierung dienen. Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Aktualität. Für spezifische Anforderungen bitten wir Sie, uns eine Anfrage zu stellen.

Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 2 mL
Lieferbar: In stock


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