
Neutrophil Elastase (ELA2/ELANE)

ArtNr THP-0284
Hersteller Creative BioMart
Menge 20ug
Typ Proteins
Specific against Human
Konjugat/Tag #NV
ECLASS 10.1 32160409
ECLASS 11.0 32160409
UNSPSC 12352202
Alias Bone marrow serine protease; EC 3.4.21; EC; ELA2; ELA2granulocyte-derived elastase; ELANE; elastase 2, neutrophil; elastase, neutrophil expressed; Elastase-2; GE; HLEelastase-2; HNE; Human leukocyte elastase; Leukocyte Elastase; Medullasin; NE; Neutrophil Elastase; PMN elastase; PMN-E; polymorphonuclear elastase; SCN1;
Affected organisms
Applications info
These granules fuse with phagosomes, enabling Neutrophil Elastase to participate in the digestion and killing of endocytosed microbes. It also can degrade multiple extracellular matrix proteins including Elastin and Fibronectin. In the lung, this activity contributes to pathology in emphysema, cystic fibrosis, and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Recombinant Human Neutrophil Elastase (ELA2/ELANE) Protein (Ser28-Asn252) is produced by Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line system. This protein is fused with a 10-His tag at the C-terminal. N-terminal Sequence Analysis: Ser28.
Examples of Clinical Use
Enabling Neutrophil Elastase to participate in the digestion and killing of endocytosed microbes.
Molecular Weight
Predicted Molecular Mass: 25 kDa;
SDS-PAGE: 29-39 kDa, reducing conditions.

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 20ug
Lieferbar: Out of stock
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