
Daclatasvir (dihydrochloride) Europäischer Partner

ArtNr HY-10465-10mg
Hersteller MedChem Express
CAS-Nr. 1009119-65-6
Menge 10 mg
Quantity options 100 mg 10mM/1mL 10 mg 50 mg 5 mg
Typ Inhibitors
Specific against other
Purity 99.68
Formula C40H52Cl2N8O6
Citations EMBO Mol Med. 2024 Mar 10.<br/>Ann Hepatol. Nov-Dec 2019;18(6):816-824.<br/>Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Mar;57(3):1180-91.<br/>Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Aug;58(8):4555-64.<br/>Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Jun;58(6):3327-34. <br/>Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 May;59(5):2496-507. <br/>Antivir Res. 2019 Nov;171:104612.<br/>Antiviral Res. 2017 Dec;148:5-14. <br/>Antiviral Res. 2017 Oct;146:191-200. <br/>Antiviral Res. 2020 May;177:104734.<br/>Biomed Pharmacother. 2019 May 16;116:108976.<br/>bioRxiv. 2020 May.<br/>Cell Rep. 2021 Nov 23;37(8):110049.<br/>College of Medicine/School of Medicine. Seoul National University. 2016 Aug.<br/>Department of Analytical Chemistry. Charles University. 2019 Jun.<br/>Drug Metab Dispos. 2019 Jul;47(7):768-778. <br/>EMBO Rep. 2016 Jul;17(7):1013-28.<br/>Eur J Med Chem. 2018 Jan 1;143:1053-1065.<br/>Eur J Pharmacol. 2019 Jun 15;853:111-120.<br/>Eur J Pharmacol. 2020 Sep 15;883:173323.<br/>Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Charles University 2019 Apr.<br/>Front Pharmacol. 2016 Dec 21;7:490. <br/>Front Pharmacol. 2018 Dec 19;9:1438.<br/>Hepatol Commun. 2017 Jul 13;1(6):550-563.<br/>Hepatology. 2019 May;69(5):1861-1872. <br/>Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2015 Oct;46(4):381-8. <br/>Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2016 Nov 15;96(4):867-876. <br/>J Gastroenterol. 2019 May;54(5):449-458. <br/>J Hum Genet. 2020 Jan;65(2):143-153.<br/>J Med Chem. 2020 Jun 11;63(11):5972-5989.<br/>J Med Virol. 2023 Dec;95(12):e29290.<br/>J Virol. 2014 May;88(10):5578-94. <br/>Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 21;9(5):5627-5640.<br/>Open Virol J. 2014 Mar 7;8:1-8.<br/>Pharmaceuticals. 2022 Feb 18;15(2):242.<br/>PLoS One. 2015 Aug 11;10(8):e0134707. <br/>PLoS One. 2016 Apr 22;11(4):e0152036. <br/>PLoS One. 2016 Jul 21;11(7):e0159511.<br/>PLoS Pathog. 2017 May 11;13(5):e1006374. <br/>PLoS Pathog. 2018 Sep 18;14(9):e1007284. <br/>Sci Rep. 2018 Jun 6;8(1):8676. <br/>Transpl Infect Dis. 2018 Feb;20(1).<br/>Virus Res. 2017 May 2;235:37-48.<br/>Viruses. 2018 Aug 28;10(9). pii: E462.<br/>[1]Min Gao, et al. Chemical genetics strategy identifies an HCV NS5A inhibitor with a potent clinical effect. Nature. 2010 May 6;465(7294):96-100.<br/>[2]David B Ascher, et al. Potent hepatitis C inhibitors bind directly to NS5A and reduce its affinity for RNA. Sci Rep. 2014 Apr 23;4:4765.<br/>[3]Tomomi Furihata, et al. Different interaction profiles of direct-acting anti-hepatitis C virus agents with human organic anion transporting polypeptides. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Aug;58(8):4555-64.<br/>[4]Seung-Hoon Lee, et al. HA1077 displays synergistic activity with daclatasvir against hepatitis C virus and suppresses the emergence of NS5A resistance-associated substitutions in mice. Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 20;8(1):12469.
Smiles O=C(N1CCC[C@H]1C2=NC=C(C3=CC=C(C4=CC=C(C=C4)C5=CN=C(N5)[C@@H]6CCCN6C([C@H](C(C)C)NC(OC)=O)=O)C=C3)N2)[C@H](C(C)C)NC(OC)=O.[H]Cl.[H]Cl
ECLASS 10.1 32160490
ECLASS 11.0 32160490
UNSPSC 12000000
Alias BMS-790052 (dihydrochloride); EBP 883 (dihydrochloride)
Product Description
Daclatasvir dihydrochloride (BMS-790052 dihydrochloride) is a potent and orally active HCV NS5A protein inhibitor with EC50s range of 9-146 pM for multiple HCV replicon genotypes. Daclatasvir dihydrochloride is also an organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B (OATP1B) and OATP1B3 inhibitor with IC50s of 1.5 µM and 3.27 µM, respectively[1][2][3].
4°C (Powder, sealed storage, away from moisture)
Room Temperature
Manufacturers Applications
Clinical Information
Manufacturers Research Area
DMSO : ≥ 56 mg/mL|H2O : 50 mg/mL (ultrasonic)
Manufacturers Target
Manufacturers Pathway
Manufacturers Product type
Reference compound

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 10 mg
Lieferbar: In stock


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