Product description |
10 plate case of CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 2 ul round drop well, 3 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3552 APPLICATIONS Sitting drop crystallization FEATURES Each well contains three 2 uL round bottom protein well and one 100 uL reagent reservoir Low volume reagent reservoir saves on reagent costs Designed for sitting drop vapor diffusion high throughput protein crystallization Manufactured from an advanced Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC) with high resistance to commonly used solvents, including acetone, acetic acid, butanone, ethanol, isopropanol, methanol, DMSO, nitric acid (65%), sulfuric acid (40%), hydrochloric acid (36%), and ammonia solution (33%) and improved transparency Allows protein crystals to be easily viewed under polarized light with minimal background interference Low water absorption of the polymer prevents loss of protein drop volume Reservoir numbers are embossed on each individual well for easy identification Protein well locations conform to ANSI/SBS 384 well plate standards for robotic handling DESCRIPTION The second generation of Corning 96 Well, sitting drop format plates are built to SBS specifications, making them well suited for high throughput crystallization and are fully compatible with robotic equipment. The plates can be sealed using Crystal Clear Sealing Film (HR3-609), 3 inch wide Crystal Clear Sealing Tape (HR4-506) or ClearSeal Film (HR4-521). Corning has discontinued 3557 - special pricing and limited inventory available for this item only. |