
Darunavir . ethanolate

ArtNr PRS-10-022-50mg
Hersteller ProSci
CAS-Nr. 635728-49-3
Menge 50 mg
Typ Chemicals
Format Lyophilized
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 32160000
ECLASS 11.0 32160000
UNSPSC 12000000
Alias TMC114; TMC41629; UIC-94017; HSDB 7788; Prezista
Storage Conditions
Short Term Storage: +4C. Long Term Storage: -20C. Handling Advice: Keep cool and dry. Use/Stability: Stable for at least 2 years after receipt when stored at -20C.
This product is for research use only.
Predicted Molecular Weight
547.7 . 46.0
C27H37N3O7S . C2H5OH
greater than or equal to 98% (HPLC)
Soluble In Dmf, Ethanol, Dmso Or Aqueous Solvents (Pbs).
Soluble in DMSO (10mg/ml) or 100% ethanol (5mg/ml).
Inchi Key
Determined by 1H-NMR.
Darunavir ethanolate is a highly potent HIV protease inhibitor (IC50=3-6nM, depending on laboratory HIV-1 strain), an antiretroviral medication used to treat and prevent HIV/AIDS. The ethanolate formulation has some stability advantages compared to the free base Darunavir (Prod. No. AG-CR1-3712). Darunavir ethanolate is a second generation HIV-1 protease inhibitor that inhibits replication of various laboratory strains and clinical isolates of HIV-1, including those resistant to first generation protease inhibitors. It inhibits cell-free diffusion and cell-to-cell spread of HIV-1 in Jurkat cell populations. Formulations containing darunavir have been used in combination therapy for the treatment of HIV. Shown in a SARS-CoV-2 protease structure model study to potentially bind and inhibit the papain like viral protease (PLVP) of SARS-CoV-2, responsible for COVID-19.

Hinweis: Die dargestellten Informationen und Dokumente (Bedienungsanleitung, Produktdatenblatt, Sicherheitsdatenblatt und Analysezertifikat) entsprechen unserem letzten Update und sollten lediglich der Orientierung dienen. Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Aktualität. Für spezifische Anforderungen bitten wir Sie, uns eine Anfrage zu stellen.

Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 50 mg
Lieferbar: In stock


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