

ArtNr 06-783-313190
Hersteller GENWAY
Menge 0,05 mg
Typ Peptides
Applikationen WB, IP
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 32160409
ECLASS 11.0 32160409
UNSPSC 12352202
Alias GWB-78FEE7
Similar products 06-783-313190
Genway ID:
MCM2 (pSer41)
Buffer Solution:
TRIS buffered saline
Preservative Stabilisers:
0. 09% Sodium Azide (NaN3) 0. 1% Bovine Serum AlbuminApprox. Protein Concentrations: 0. 2mg/ml
This peptide contains epitopes that are recognized by our anti-MCM2 (pSer41) antibody thereby blocking the antibody\' s ability to bind to MCM2 (pSer41).
Acts as a factor that allows the DNA to undergo a single round of replication per cell cycle. Required for the entry in S phase and for cell division. Ref. 1Subunit structureInteracts with DBF4 By similarity. Interacts with MYST2. May interact with MCM10. Ref. 8Ref. 13Subcellular locationNucleusRef. 1. Post-translational modificationPhosphorylated on Ser-108 by ATR in proliferating cells. Ser-108 proliferation is increased by genotoxic agents. Ser-40 is mediated by the CDC7-DBF4 and CDC7-DBF4B complexes while Ser-53 phosphorylation is only mediated by the CDC7-DBF4 complex. Ref. 9Ref. 10Ref. 11Ref. 12Ref. 14Ref. 15Ref. 16Ref. 17Ref. 18Ref. 19Ref. 20Ref. 21Ref. 22Ref. 23Ref. 25Ref. 26Ref. 27Sequence similaritiesBelongs to the MCM family. Contains 1 MCM domain. Sequence cautionThe sequence BAA04642. 1 differs from that shown. Reason: Erroneous initiation. The sequence BAA12177. 1 differs from that shown. Reason: Erroneous initiation. The sequence CAA47749. 1 differs from that shown. Reason: Erroneous initiation. Translation N-terminally shortened. The sequence CAA47749. 1 differs from that shown. Reason: Frameshift at positions 115 124 127 129 154 158 773 and 811. 1. Gerke V. and Moss S. E. (2002) Annexins: From structure to function. Physiol. Rev. 82: 331-371. [1] \" Primary structure of human placental anticoagulant protein. \" Funakoshi T. Hendrickson L. E. McMullen B. A. Fujikawa K. Biochemistry 26:8087-8092(1987) [PubMed: 2964863] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA]. [2] \" Structure and expression of cDNA for an inhibitor of blood coagulation isolated from human placenta: a new lipocortin-like protein. \" Iwasaki A. Suda M. Nakao H. Nagoya T. Saino Y. Arai K. Mizoguchi T. Sato F. Yoshizaki H. Hirata M. Miyata T. Shidara Y. Murata M. Maki M. J. Biochem. 102:1261-1273(1987) [PubMed: 2963810] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA] PROTEIN SEQUENCE OF 2-320. 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Submitted (JUN-2004) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databasesCited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE MRNA].

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Menge: 0,05 mg
Lieferbar: In stock


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