

ArtNr 20-783-315513
Hersteller GENWAY
Menge 100 TESTS
Typ Antibody
Specific against other
Host Mouse
ECLASS 10.1 32160702
ECLASS 11.0 32160702
UNSPSC 12352203
Alias GWB-6C9B14
Similar products 20-783-315513
Genway ID:
IgG2aSpecies Cross Reactivity: Reacts with: Goat SheepN. B. Antibody reactivity and working conditions may vary between species.
Purified IgG prepared by affinity chromatography on Protein G from tissue culture supernatant
Buffer Solution:
Phosphate buffered saline pH7. 4
Preservative Stabilisers:
0. 09% Sodium Azide 1% Bovine Serum AlbuminApprox. Protein Concentrations: IgG concentration 0. 1 mg/ml
Recognises the bovine CD11a cell surface antigen a 180kDa glycoprotein also known as integrin alpha L chain. CD11a is expressed on a wide range of cells including lymphocytes granulocytes monocytes and macrophages. CD11a binds to CD18 to form a heterodimeric integral membrane protein and plays a role in cell-cell adhesion processes. Recommended Negative Controls: MOUSE IgG2a NEGATIVE CONTROL:RPE
Integrin alpha-L/beta-2 is a receptor for ICAM1 ICAM2 ICAM3 and ICAM4. It is involved in a variety of immune phenomena including leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction cytotoxic T-cell mediated killing and antibody dependent killing by granulocytes and monocytes By similarity. Subunit structureHeterodimer of an alpha and a beta subunit. Alpha-L associates with beta-2 By similarity. Subcellular locationMembrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein By similarity.
The integrin I-domain (insert) is a VWFA domain. Integrins with I-domains do not undergo protease cleavage. Sequence similaritiesBelongs to the integrin alpha chain family. Contains 7 FG-GAP repeats. Contains 1 VWFA domain. [1] \" Prediction of the coding sequences of unidentified human genes. II. The coding sequences of 40 new genes (KIAA0041-KIAA0080) deduced by analysis of cDNA clones from human cell line KG-1. \" Nomura N. Nagase T. Miyajima N. Sazuka T. Tanaka A. Sato S. Seki N. Kawarabayasi Y. Ishikawa K. Tabata S. DNA Res. 1:223-229(1994) [PubMed: 7584044] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE MRNA]. Tissue: Bone marrow. [2] \" The status quality and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). \" The MGC Project TeamGenome Res. 14:2121-2127(2004) [PubMed: 15489334] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE MRNA]. Tissue: Placenta. [3] \" Characterization chromosomal localization and expression during hematopoietic differentiation of the gene encoding Arl6ip ADP-ribosylation-like factor-6 interacting protein (ARL6). \" Pettersson M. Bessonova M. Gu H. F. Groop L. C. Jonsson J. I. Genomics 68:351-354(2000) [PubMed: 10995579] [Abstract]Cited for: TISSUE SPECIFICITY SUBCELLULAR LOCATION. [4] Colinge J. Superti-Furga G. Bennett K. L. Submitted (OCT-2008) to UniProtKBCited for: IDENTIFICATION BY MASS SPECTROMETRY [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS].

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 100 TESTS
Lieferbar: In stock


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