

ArtNr 20-783-315456
Hersteller GENWAY
Menge 25 TESTS
Typ Antibody
Specific against other
Host Mouse
ECLASS 10.1 32160702
ECLASS 11.0 32160702
UNSPSC 12352203
Similar products 20-783-315456
Genway ID:
IgG1Species Cross Reactivity: Reacts with: HumanN. B. Antibody reactivity and working conditions may vary between species.
Purified IgG prepared by affinity chromatography on Protein G from tissue culture supernatant.
Buffer Solution:
Phosphate buffered saline pH7. 4
Preservative Stabilisers:
0. 09% Sodium Azide 1% Bovine Serum AlbuminApprox. Protein Concentrations: IgG concentration 0. 1 mg/ml
Synthetic peptide corresponding to cdc10-NCR region within mouse Notch1.
Is specific for mouse Notch1 a single transmembrane receptor which is expressed in a range of cells including hematopoietic cells in mouse fetal liver adult thymus and bone marrow. Notch1 plays a role in embryonic development and tissue homeostasis in the adult. Recent work has suggested a further role for this receptor in the regulation of lymphopoieisis and myelopoiesis. Following ligand binding Notch1 is cleaved in the transmembrane domain releasing the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) to translocate to the nucleus where it plays a role in the modulation of gene expression.
Functions as a receptor for membrane-bound ligands Jagged1 Jagged2 and Delta1 to regulate cell-fate determination. Upon ligand activation through the released notch intracellular domain (NICD) it forms a transcriptional activator complex with RBP-J kappa and activates genes of the enhancer of split locus. Affects the implementation of differentiation proliferation and apoptotic programs By similarity. May play an essential role in postimplantation development probably in some aspect of cell specification and/or differentiation. May be involved in mesoderm development somite formation and neurogenesis. Involved in the maturation of both CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the thymus. Important for follicular differentiation and possibly cell fate selection within the follicle. During cerebellar development functions as a receptor for neuronal DNER and is involved in the differentiation of Bergmann glia. Ref. 13Subunit structureHeterodimer of a C-terminal fragment N(TM) and an N-terminal fragment N(EC) which are probably linked by disulfide bonds. Interacts with DNER DTX1 DTX2 and RUH. Also interacts with MAML1 MAML2 and MAML3 which act as transcriptional coactivators for NOTCH1. Ref. 13Ref. 11Ref. 12Subcellular locationCell membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Notch 1 intracellular
Following proteolytical processing NICD is translocated to the nucleus. Tissue specificityHighly expressed in the brain lung and thymus. Expressed at lower levels in the spleen bone-marrow spinal cord eyes mammary gland liver intestine skeletal muscle kidney and heart. In the hair follicle highly expressed exclusively in the epithelial compartment. Ref. 13Developmental stageFirst detected in the mesoderm at 7. 5 dpc By 8. 5 dpc highly expressed in presomitic mesoderm mesenchyme and endothelial cells while much lower levels are seen in the neuroepithelium. Between 9. 5-10. 5 dpc expressed at high levels in the neuroepithelium. At 13. 5 dpc expressed in the surface ectoderm eye and developing whisker follicles. Hair follicle matrix cells expression starts as different cell types become distinguishable in the developing follicle. Expression persists throughout the growth phase of the follicle and maintains the same expression profile in the second hair cycle. The cells in the follicle that undergo a phase of high level expression are in transition from mitotic precursors to several discrete differentiating cell types. Specifically expressed in cerebellar Bergmann glial cells during postnatal development. Ref. 2Ref. 3Ref. 8Post-translational modificationSynthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum as an inactive form which is proteolytically cleaved by a furin-like convertase in the trans-Golgi network before it reaches the plasma membrane to yield an active ligand-accessible form. Cleavage results in a C-terminal fragment N(TM) and a N-terminal fragment N(EC). Following ligand binding it is cleaved by TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE) to yield a membrane-associated intermediate fragment called notch extracellular truncation (NEXT). This fragment is then cleaved by presenilin dependent gamma-secretase to release a notch-derived peptide containing the intracellular domain (NICD) from the membrane. Ref. 7Ref. 9Ref. 10Phosphorylated. O-glycosylated on the EGF-like domains. Contains both O-linked fucose and O-linked glucose By similarity. Ubiquitinated; undergoes \' Lys-29\' -linked polyubiquitination catalyzed by ITCH. Ref. 14Sequence similaritiesBelongs to the NOTCH family. Contains 5 ANK repeats. Contains 36 EGF-like domains. Contains 3 LNR (Lin/Notch) repeats. 1. Forsburg S. L. (2004) Eukaryotic MCM proteins: Beyond replication initiation. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 68: 109-131. 2. Tsuji T. et al. (2006) Essential role of phosphorylation of MCM2 by Cdc7/Dbf4 in the initiation of DNA replication in mammalian cells. Mol. Biol. Cell 17: 4459-4472. [1] \" A human nuclear protein with sequence homology to a family of early S phase proteins is required for entry into S phase and for cell division. \" Todorov I. T. Pepperkok R. Philipova R. N. Kearsey S. E. Ansorge W. Werner D. J. 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[4] \" The status quality and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). \" The MGC Project TeamGenome Res. 14:2121-2127(2004) [PubMed: 15489334] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE MRNA] VARIANTS ARG-501 AND THR-727. Tissue: Brain Lung Lymph Muscle Placenta and Uterus. [5] \" Homo sapiens DNA replication licensing factor (huMCM2). \" Mimura S. Nishimoto S. Kubota Y. Takisawa H. Nojima H. Submitted (MAR-1996) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databasesCited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA] OF 2-904. Tissue: Cervix carcinoma. [6] \" Cloning of human full-length CDSs in BD Creator(TM) system donor vector. \" Kalnine N. Chen X. Rolfs A. Halleck A. Hines L. Eisenstein S. Koundinya M. Raphael J. Moreira D. Kelley T. LaBaer J. Lin Y. Phelan M. Farmer A. Submitted (AUG-2003) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databasesCited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE MRNA] OF 10-904. 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[10] \" Large-scale characterization of HeLa cell nuclear phosphoproteins. \" Beausoleil S. A. Jedrychowski M. Schwartz D. Elias J. E. Villen J. Li J. Cohn M. A. Cantley L. C. Gygi S. P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 101:12130-12135(2004) [PubMed: 15302935] [Abstract]Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-27; SER-41 AND THR-106 MASS SPECTROMETRY. Tissue: Cervix carcinoma.

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Menge: 25 TESTS
Lieferbar: In stock


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