

ArtNr 20-783-314306
Hersteller GENWAY
Menge 0,5 mg
Typ Antibody
Specific against Mouse
Host Rat
ECLASS 10.1 32160702
ECLASS 11.0 32160702
UNSPSC 12352203
Alias GWB-5FC501
Similar products 20-783-314306
Genway ID:
Purified IgG prepared by affinity chromatography on Protein G from tissue culture supernatant
Buffer Solution:
Phosphate buffered saline pH7. 4
Preservative Stabilisers:
0. 09% Sodium Azide 1% Bovine Serum AlbuminApprox. Protein Concentrations: IgG concentration 0. 5 mg/ml
Membrane glycoproteins of cytotoxic T-cells
Recognises the murine beta 2 integrin (CD18). CD18 is a 95KD cell surface glycoprotein that forms heterodimers with the integrin subunit alpha L (CD11a) alpha M (CD11b) or alpha X (CD11c) to produce integrins CD11a/CD18 CD11b/CD18 and CD11c/CD18 respectively. CD18 is expressed by all leucocytes and plays an important role in adhesion and signalling in the haematopoietic system. Clone M18/2 has been reported to both inhibit and enhance certain functions of CD18 (please refer to references 2 and 3). Recommended Negative Controls: RAT IgG2a NEGATIVE CONTROL:FITC
Integrin alpha-L/beta-2 is a receptor for ICAM1 ICAM2 ICAM3 and ICAM4. Integrins alpha-M/beta-2 and alpha-X/beta-2 are receptors for the iC3b fragment of the third complement component and for fibrinogen. Integrin alpha-X/beta-2 recognizes the sequence G-P-R in fibrinogen alpha-chain. Integrin alpha-M/beta-2 recognizes P1 and P2 peptides of fibrinogen gamma chain. Integrin alpha-M/beta-2 is also a receptor for factor X. Integrin alpha-D/beta-2 is a receptor for ICAM3 and VCAM1. Subunit structureHeterodimer of an alpha and a beta subunit. Beta-2 associates with either alpha-L alpha-M alpha-X or alpha-D. Interacts with COPS5 and RANBP9 By similarity. Subcellular locationMembrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Sequence similaritiesBelongs to the integrin beta chain family. Contains 1 VWFA domain. [1] \" The VP35 and VP40 proteins of filoviruses. Homology between Marburg and Ebola viruses. \" Bukreyev A. A. Volchkov V. E. Blinov V. M. Netesov S. V. FEBS Lett. 322:41-46(1993) [PubMed: 8482365] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC RNA]. [2] \" Sequence analysis of the Ebola virus genome: organization genetic elements and comparison with the genome of Marburg virus. \" Sanchez A. Kiley M. P. Holloway B. P. Auperin D. D. Virus Res. 29:215-240(1993) [PubMed: 8237108] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC RNA]. [3] \" Characterization of the L gene and 5\' trailer region of Ebola virus. \" Volchkov V. E. Volchkova V. A. Chepurnov A. A. Blinov V. M. Netesov S. V. Feldmann H. J. Gen. Virol. 80:355-362(1999) [PubMed: 10073695] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC RNA]. [4] \" Molecular characterization of guinea pig-adapted variants of Ebola virus. \" Volchkov V. E. Chepurnov A. A. Volchkova V. A. Ternovoj V. A. Klenk H. D. Virology 277:147-155(2000) [PubMed: 11062045] [Abstract]Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC RNA]. Strain: Isolate guinea pig-adapted. [5] Wilson J. A. Kondig J. P. Kuehne A. I. Hart M. K. Submitted (AUG-2002) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databasesCited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC RNA]. [6] \" Membrane association induces a conformational change in the Ebola virus matrix protein. \" Scianimanico S. Schoehn G. Timmins J. Ruigrok R. H. Klenk H. D. Weissenhorn W. EMBO J. 19:6732-6741(2000) [PubMed: 11118208] [Abstract]Cited for: MULTIMERIZATION. [7] \" A PPxY motif within the VP40 protein of Ebola virus interacts physically and functionally with a ubiquitin ligase: implications for filovirus budding. \" Harty R. N. Brown M. E. Wang G. Huibregtse J. Hayes F. P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 97:13871-13876(2000) [PubMed: 11095724] [Abstract]Cited for: INTERACTION WITH WW DOMAINS OF HOST UBIQUITIN LIGASES MUTAGENESIS OF TYR-13. [8] \" Oligomerization and polymerization of the filovirus matrix protein VP40. \" Timmins J. Schoehn G. Kohlhaas C. Klenk H. D. Ruigrok R. W. Weissenhorn W. Virology 312:359-368(2003) [PubMed: 12919741] [Abstract]Cited for: MULTIMERIZATION. [9] \" Ebola virus matrix protein VP40 interaction with human cellular factors Tsg101 and Nedd4. \" Timmins J. Schoehn G. Ricard-Blum S. Scianimanico S. Vernet T. Ruigrok R. W. Weissenhorn W. J. Mol. Biol. 326:493-502(2003) [PubMed: 12559917] [Abstract]Cited for: INTERACTION WITH HUMAN TSG101 AND NEDD4. [10] \" Ebola virus VP40 late domains are not essential for viral replication in cell culture. \" Neumann G. Ebihara H. Takada A. Noda T. Kobasa D. Jasenosky L. D. Watanabe S. Kim J. H. Feldmann H. Kawaoka Y. J. Virol. 79:10300-10307(2005) [PubMed: 16051823] [Abstract]Cited for: MUTAGENESIS OF PRO-7 AND 10-PRO-PRO-11.

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 0,5 mg
Lieferbar: In stock


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