
Mouse F(ab\&#039,)2 Anti-Human CD19

ArtNr 20-787-276046
Hersteller GENWAY
Menge 100 TESTS
Typ Antibody
Applikationen FC, IHC
Clon SJ25-C1
Specific against Human
ECLASS 10.1 32160702
ECLASS 11.0 32160702
UNSPSC 12352203
Alias GWB-A9D13B
Similar products 20-787-276046
Genway ID:
Mouse IgG1
To insure lot to lot consistency each batch of product is tested by flow cytometry to conform to the characteristics of a standard reference reagent.
CD19CD19 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein and a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. It is expressed at all stages of B cell differentiation except terminally differentiated plasma cells. It is also present on the cell surface of follicular dendritic cells. CD19 associates with CD21 CD81 Leu 13 and/or MHC Class II molecules to form a signal transduction complex on the B cell surface. This signaling complex modulates the activation threshold for the B cell antigen receptor (BCR). ^1-5
Working Dilution:
Flow Cytometry: 10 uL/10^6 cells
Reagents contain sodium azide. Sodium azide is very toxic if ingested or inhaled. Avoid contact with skin eyes or clothing. Wear eye or face protection when handling. If skin or eye contact occurs wash with copious amounts of water. If ingested or inhaled contact a physician immediately. Sodium azide yields toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide-containing compounds in running water before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in lead or copper plumbing.
Assembles with the antigen receptor of B lymphocytes in order to decrease the threshold for antigen receptor-dependent stimulation.
Forms a complex with CD21 CD81 and CD225 in the membrane of mature B cells. Interacts with VAV. Interacts with GRB2 and SOS when phosphorylated on Tyr-348 and/or Tyr-378. Interacts with PLCG2 when phosphorylated on Tyr-409.
Subcellular Location:
Membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein.
Phosphorylated upon DNA damage probably by ATM or ATR.
Defects in CD19 are a cause of hypogammaglobulinemia [MIM:107265].
Contains 2 Ig-like C2-type (immunoglobulin-like) domains. McMichael A. K. P. C. L. Beverly S. Cobbold M. J. Crumpton W. Gilks F. M. Gotch N. Hogg M. Horton N. Ling I. C. M. MacLennan D. Y. Mason C. Milstein D. Spiegelhalter and H. Waldmann eds. 1987. Leukocyte Typing III: White Cell Differentiation Antigens Oxford University Press Oxford. Barclay A. N. M. H. Brown S. K. A. Law A. J. McKnight M. G. Tomlinson and P. A. van der Merwe eds. 1997. The Leukocyte Antigens Facts Book 2nd Edition CD19 Section Academic Press New York p. 179. Tedder T. F. L. J. Zhou and P. Engel. 1994. Immunol. Today 14:437. Fearon D. T. and R. H. Carter. 1995. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 13:127. Doody G. M. P. W. Dempsey and D. T. Fearson. 1996. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 8:378.

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 100 TESTS
Lieferbar: In stock


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