
Rac1 His Protein: constitutively active

ArtNr R6101-A
Hersteller Cytoskeleton
Menge 1 x 10 ug
Typ Proteins
Specific against other
Purity Protein purity is determined by scanning densitometry of Coomassie Blue stained protein on a 12% polyacrylamide gel. His-Rac1(Q61L) protein was determined to be 90% pure.
Citations Storey, N. M., O'Bryan, J. P. and Armstrong, D. L. (2002). Rac and Rho mediate opposing hormonal regulation of the ether-a-go-go-related potassium channel. Curr. Biol. 12, 27-33.
ECLASS 10.1 32160409
ECLASS 11.0 32160409
UNSPSC 12352202
Alias Small G protein, Rac1, Rac 1, active rac1, rac1 protein, Q61L
Similar products Rac1, Rac 1, Small G protein, rac1 protein, Q61L, active rac1
Versandbedingung Raumtemperatur
Shipping Temperature
Storage Conditions
On Arrival: 4°C
Delivery Time
1-2 Weeks
Weight (grams)
Product Uses
Rac1 effector and GAP identification and binding studies
Activation of Rac1 effectors in vitro and in vivo
Stimulation of Rac1 phenotype by microinjection into cells
The constitutively active form of human Rac1 protein contains a glutamine to leucine substitution at residue 61. The common name for this mutant is Rac1(Q61L) or L61Rac1. The leucine substitution prevents endogenous and GAP-stimulated GTPase activity of Rac1, hence the protein is always in the active, GTP-bound, state. A similar mutation in Ras (Ras(Q61L)) behaves as an oncogenic mutation.
Rac1(Q61L) has been expressed in a bacterial system. The protein is supplied as a lyophilized powder.When it is reconstituted in distilled water to 1 mg/ml, the protein is in the following buffer: 2 mM Tris pH 7.6, 0.5 mM MgCl2 0.5% sucrose and 0.1% dextran. Protein concentration is determined by the Precision Red Advanced Protein Assay Reagent (Cat. # ADV02).
The recombinant protein is 25 kDa, consisting of the 22 kDa Rac1 constitutively active protein plus a histidine tag in the amino-terminus.
For other forms of Rac1 as well as many other purified small G-proteins, see our main small G-protein product page.
Biological Activity
His-Rac1(Q61L) mutant protein binds GTP but its intrinsic GTPase activity has been eliminated, resulting in a constitutively active protein. The biological assay for His-Rac1(Q61L) activity consists of a pulldown assay using PAK-PBD beads (Cat. # PAK02). The PAK protein is an effector of Rac1 and will specifically bind to active GTP-Rac1. Stringent quality control ensures that > 80% of His-Rac1(Q61L) protein can be pulled down using this method.

Figure 1 Legend
Figure 1. His-Rac1(Q61L) protein purity determination. A 10 ug sample of R6101 (His-Rac1(Q61L) molecular weight approx. 25 kDa) was separated by electrophoresis in a 12% SDS-PAGE system, and stained with Coomassie Blue.<

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 1 x 10 ug
Lieferbar: In stock


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