ArtNr |
BK131 |
Hersteller |
Menge |
KIT 96 assays |
Quantity options |
KIT 96 assays
Large Quantities
Kategorie |
Typ |
Assay |
Specific against |
other |
Citations |
S.-J. Lee et al. 2013. Regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1&alpha, (HIF-1&alpha,) by lysophosphatidic acid is dependent on interplay between p53 and krü,ppel-like factor 5. J. Biol. Chem. 288, 25244-25253. L.D. Camargo et al. 2013. Endo-PDI is required for TNF&alpha,-induced angiogenesis. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 65, 1398-1407. Gil-Henn et al. 2012. Arg/Abl2 promotes invasion and attenuates proliferation of breast cancer in vivo. Oncogene. doi:10.1038/onc.2012.284.
ECLASS 10.1 |
32161000 |
ECLASS 11.0 |
32161000 |
41116126 |
Alias |
GLISA, Small G protein, Ras activation assay, Ras activation, Ras, Ras-binding domain, RBD, Biochem Kit |
Similar products |
Ras, Small G protein, Ras activation assay, Ras activation, Ras-binding domain, RBD, Biochem Kit, GLISA |
Versandbedingung |
Raumtemperatur |
Lieferbar |
Shipping Temperature |
AT |
Storage Conditions |
On Arrival: 4°C |
Introduction |
With the new Ras G-LISA kit you can now measure Ras activation from cell and tissue samples in less than 3 h. G-LISA requires only 1-5% of the material needed for a conventional pull-down assay. You will also be able to handle large sample numbers and generate quantitative results. For a more detailed introduction on G-LISA assays and a listing of other available G-LISA kits, see our main G-LISA page. The Ras G-LISA kit contains a Ras GTP-binding protein linked to the wells of a 96 well plate. Active, GTP-bound Ras in cell/tissue lysates will bind to the wells while inactive GDP-bound Ras is removed during washing steps. The bound active Ras is detected with a Ras specific antibody. The degree of Ras activation is determined by comparing readings from activated cell lysates versus non-activated cell lysates. Inactivation of Ras is generally achieved in tissue culture by a serum starvation step (see kit datasheet for more information). |
Associated Products |
Anti-Cdc42 monoclonal antibody (Cat.# ACD03) Anti-Rac1 monoclonal antibody (Cat.# ARC03) Anti-RhoA monoclonal antibody (Cat.# ARH03) |
Delivery Time |
1-2 Weeks |
Kit contents |
The kit contains sufficient reagents to perform 96 Ras activation assays. Since the Ras-GTP affinity wells are supplied as strips and the strips can be broken into smaller pieces, each kit can be used for anywhere from one to multiple assays. The following components are included in the kit: 96 Ras-GTP affinity wells (divisible into 12 strips of 8 wells each) Lysis buffer Binding buffer Antigen presenting buffer Wash buffer Antibody dilution buffer Anti-Ras antibody HRP-labeled secondary antibody Positive control Ras protein Protease inhibitor cocktail (Cat. # PIC02) Absorbance detection reagents Precision Red Advanced protein assay reagent (Cat. # ADV02) Manual with detailed protocols and extensive troubleshooting guide |
Weight (grams) |
950 |
Product Uses |
Ras signaling pathway studies Ras activation assays with primary cells Studies of Ras activators and inactivators Ras activation assays with limited material High throughput screens for Ras activation |
Equipment needed |
96-well plate spectrophotometer capable of reading 490 nm wavelength Multichannel or multidispensing pipetto Orbital microplate shaker capable of at least 200 rpm shaking (400 rpm is optimal) |
Example Results |
Go to main G-LISA page G-LISA Products: Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay, colorimetric format (Cat.# BK127) Rac1 G-LISA Activation Assay, luminescence format (Cat.# BK126) G-LISA Rac 1, 2, 3 Activation Assay Biochem Kit (colorimetric format (Cat.# BK125) RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay, colorimetric format (Cat.# BK124) RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay, luminescence format (Cat.# BK121) |
Figure 1 Legend |
Ras activation by EGF measured by G-LISA. HeLa cells were serum starved (SS) for 24 h and treated with EGF (100 ng/ml for 2 min). 25, 12.5, 5, 1.25 ug of cell lysates were subjected to the G-LISA assay. Absorbance was read at 490 nm. Data are background subtracted |
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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.