
Mebiol Gel

ArtNr MBG-PMW20-1005
Hersteller Cosmobio
Menge 5 x 10 ml
Quantity options 1 x 10 ml 5 x 10 ml 20 x 10 ml 30 x 10 ml 40 x 10 ml 50 x 10 ml 1 x 50 ml 5 x 50 ml 20 x 50 ml
Typ Reagents
Specific against other
Konjugat/Tag Unlabeled_
Citations 1. Yoshioka, H., Mikami, M., Mori, Y. and Tsuchida, E., ''A synthetic hydrogel with thermoreversible gelation.I.:Preparation and rheological properties.'', J. Macromol. Sci., A31(1), 113-120 (1994)
2. Yoshioka, H., Mikami, M., Mori, Y. and Tsuchida, E., ''Asynthetic hydrogel with thermoreversible gelation.II.:Effect of added salts.'', J. Macromol.Sci., A31(1), 121-125 (1994)
3. Yoshioka, H., Cushman, J.A., Mori, Y. and Tsuchida, E., ''A synthetic hydrogel with thermoreversible gelation. III. : anNMR studyof the sol-gel transition.'', Polym. Adv. Tech.,5, 122-127 (1994)
4. Shimizu, S., Yamazaki , M., Kubota, S., T. Ozasa, H. Moriya, Kobayashi, K., Mikami, M., Mori, Y., and Yamaguchi, S.,''In vitro studies on a new method for islet microencapsulationusing a thermoreversible gelation polymer, N-isopropylacrylamide -based copolymer'',Artifcial Organs, 20(11), 1232 (1996)
Yoshioka, H., Mori, Y., Tsukikawa, S. and Kubota, S., ''Thermoreversible gelation on heating and on cooling of an aqueousgelatin-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) conjugate.'',Polym. Adv. Tech., 9, 155-158 (1998)
5. Tsukikawa, S., Matsuoka, H., Kurahashi, Y., Konno, Y., Satoh, K., Satoh, R., Isogai, A.,Kimura, K., Watanabe, Y., Nakano, S., Hayashi, J., Kubota, S.,''A new method to prepare multicellar spheroids in cancer cell lines using a thermo-reversible gelation polymer'', Artifcial Organs, 27(7), 598 -604(2003)
6. Yoshioka, H., Mori, Y. and Shimizu, M., ''Separation and recovery of DNA fragments by electrophoresisthrough a thermoreversible hydrogel composed of poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(propylene oxide).'', Analytical Biochemistry., 323 (2), 218-223 (2003)
7. Hishikawa, K., Miura, S., Marumo, T., Yoshioka, H., Mori, Y., Takato, T., Fujita, T., ''Gene expression profile ofhuman mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenesis in three-dimensional thermoreversible gelation polymer'', Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,317, 1103-1107 (2004).
8. H. N. Madhavan, J. Malathi, Patricia, Rinku Joseph, Yuichi Mori, Samuel JK Abraham and Hiroshi Yoshioka, ''A study on the growth of continuous culture cell lines embedded in Mebiol Gel'', CURRENT SCIENCE 87(9), 1275-1277 (2004)
9. M. Nagaya, S. Kubota, N. Suzuki, M. Tadokoro, K. Akashi, ''Evaluation of thermoreversiblegelation polymer for regeneration of focal liver injury'', Eur. Surg. Res.,36, 95-103 (2004)
T. Arai, T. Joki, M. Akiyama, M. Agawa, Y. Mori, H. Yoshioka, T. Abe, ''Novel drug delivery system using thermoreversible gelation polymer for malignant glioma'', J Neurooncol., 77,9-15 (2006)
Y. Shirasaki, J. Tanaka, H. Makazu, K. Tashiro, S. Shoji, S. Tsukita, T. Funatsu, ''On-Chip Cell Sorting System Using Laser-Induced Heating of a Thermoreversible GelationPolymer to Control Flow'', Anal Chem., 78,695-701(2006)
10. Reinhold J.Medina, Ken Kataoka, Mikiro Takaishi, Masahiro Miyazaki, Nam-ho Huh, ''Isolation of epithelial stem cells from dermis by a three dimensional culture system'', Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 98(1), 174-184 (2006)
11. Nagaya, M., Kubota, S., Suzuki, N.,Akashi, K., Mitaka, T., ''Thermoreversible gelation polymer induces the emergence of hepatic stem cells in the partially injured rat liver'', Hepatology, 43, 1053-1062 (2006)
12. Yasuda, K. Kojima, K. W. Tinsley,H. Yoshioka, Y. Mori, C. A. Vacanti, ''In Vitro Culture of Chondrocytes in a Novel Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer Scaffold Containing Growth Factors'', Tissue Engineering,12(5), 1237-1245 (2006)
13. K. Murakami, K. Ishii, Y. Ishihara, S. Yoshizaki, K. Tanaka. Y. Gotoh, H. Aizaki, M. Kohara, H.Yoshioka, Y. Mori, N. Manabe, I., Shoji, T. Sata, R. Bartenschlarger, Y. Matsuura, T. Miyamura, T. Suzuki, ''Production of infectious hepatitis C virus particles in three-dimensional cultures of the cell line carrying the genome-length dicistronic viral RNA of genotype 1b'', Virology, 351 (2), 381-392 (2006)
B. Sudha, H. N. Madhavan, G. Sitalakshmi, J. Malathi, S. Krishnakumar, Y. Mori, H. Yoshioka, S. Abraham, ''Cultivation of human corneal
ECLASS 10.1 42051003
ECLASS 11.0 42051003
UNSPSC 12000000
Manufacturer - Category
Cell / Tissue Culture
Storage Conditions
Mebiol((R)) Gel
Mebiol##(R)### Gel
Manufacturer - Category 2
Cell Culture System and Assay System
Manufacturer - Category 3
Mebiol##(R)### Gel 3D (3D Culture Matrix In The 21St Century )
The thermoreversible gelation polymer, ''Mebiol Gel'' has been developed as proprietary hydrogel. Mebiol Gel has been commercialized as a cell/tissue culture reagent for ES cells, chondrocytes and cancer cells, etc. Mebiol Gel based intralumenal implants are being developed for occlusion of cancerous vascular system and brain aneurism.

[Features of Mebiol Gel]
An aqueous solution of Mebiol Gel is fluid liquid (sol state) at low temperatures (0C 15C), however, it turns into an elastic hydrogel (gel state) at temperatures higher than room temperature (25C). It is possible to mix itwith various drugs or culture medium at the sol state. The sol-gel transformation of Mebiol Gel occurs fully thermoreversible. Elasticity ofthe hydrogel increases with temperature increase and is appropriate for three-dimensional culture of cells/tissues at around 37C. Cells/tissues in the gel is clearly observed through optical microscope during cultivation at 37C owing to great transparency of Mebiol Gel. Fibroblast is alive but does not grow in Mebiol Gel therefore other aiming cellscan begrown selectively. Cultured cells/tissues can be recovered easily from Mebiol Gel by lowering temperature without any damage on cells/tissues.

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 5 x 10 ml
Lieferbar: In stock

Lieferung vsl. bis 03.04.2025 


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