

ArtNr CS-7612-10mg
Hersteller ChemScene
Menge 10mg
Typ Molecules
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 32169090
ECLASS 11.0 32169090
UNSPSC 12000000
Similar products 1336960-13-4
DMSO : >= 100 mg/mL (144.59 mM); H2O : < 0.1 mg/mL (insoluble)
Clinical Information
No Development Reported
Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel; Neuronal Signaling
TRP Channel; TRP Channel
Biological Activity
GSK2193874 is an orally active, potent, and selective TRPV4 antagonist with IC50 of 2 nM and 40 nM for rTRPV4 and hTRPV4. IC50 & Target: IC50: 2 nM (rTRPV4), 40 nM (hTRPV4)[1] In Vitro: GSK2193874 is profiled against TRP channels and is selective against TRPV1, TRPA1, TRPC3, TRPC6, and TRPM8 (IC50>25 uM)[1]. GSK2193874 is a selective, orally active TRPV4 blocker that inhibits Ca2+ influx through recombinant TRPV4 channels and native endothelial TRPV4 currents. In whole-cell patch-clamp studies, GSK2193874 inhibits activation of recombinant TRPV4 currents when applied to the extracellular solution at 3 nM and above but is ineffective at up to 10 uM when applied to the inside of the cell by inclusion in the intracellular pipette solution[2]. In Vivo: The pharmacokinetic (PK) properties for GSK2193874 are evaluated in both rat and dog and found to have half-lives and oral exposure suitable for oral dosing in chronic animal models (Rat PK: iv CL=7.3 mL/min/kg, po t1/2=10 h, %F=31. Dog PK: iv CL=6.9 mL/min/kg, po t1/2=31 h, %F=53). In addition, GSK2193874 shows no blood pressure or heart rate effect in rats when dose up to 30 mg/kg. GSK2193874 is the first-in-class orally bioavailable TRPV4 inhibitor that demonstrated ability to improve pulmonary functions in a number of heart failure models[1]. GSK2193874 shows low clearance (7.3 mL/min/kg) and good rat oral bioavailability (31%)[2].

Hinweis: Die dargestellten Informationen und Dokumente (Bedienungsanleitung, Produktdatenblatt, Sicherheitsdatenblatt und Analysezertifikat) entsprechen unserem letzten Update und sollten lediglich der Orientierung dienen. Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Aktualität. Für spezifische Anforderungen bitten wir Sie, uns eine Anfrage zu stellen.

Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 10mg
Lieferbar: In stock


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