
NSC 74859

ArtNr CS-0512-50mg
Hersteller ChemScene
Menge 50mg
Typ Molecules
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 32169090
ECLASS 11.0 32169090
UNSPSC 12000000
Similar products 501919-59-1
Alternative Names
DMSO : 100 mg/mL (273.70 mM; Need ultrasonic)
Clinical Information
No Development Reported
JAK/STAT Signaling; Stem Cell/Wnt
Biological Activity
NSC 74859 is a chemical probe inhibitor of Stat3 activity, selectively inhibits Stat3 DNA-binding activity in vitro with IC50 of 86 uM. IC50 & Target: IC50: 86 uM (STAT3)[1] In Vitro: NSC 74859 (S3I-201) preferentially inhibits Stat3 DNA-binding activity over that of Stat1 (IC50 values, Stat3-Stat3, 86+/-33 uM; Stat1-Stat3, 160+/-43 uM; and Stat1-Stat1, >300 uM) and inhibits that of Stat5 with IC50 of 166+/-17 uM). NSC 74859 significantly reduces viable cell numbers and inhibits growth of transformed mouse fibroblasts NIH 3T3/v-Src and breast carcinoma cell lines (MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435, and MDA-MB-468). At 30-100 uM, NSC 74859 induces significant apoptosis in the representative human breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-435 and NIH 3T3/v-Src, both of which harbor constitutively active Stat3. The breast carcinoma MDA-MB-435 cell line is more sensitive to 30 uM NSC 74859. By contrast, the human breast cancer MDA-MB-453 cells and the normal mouse fibroblasts (NIH 3T3), which do not contain abnormal Stat3 activity, are less sensitive to NSC 74859 at 100 uM or less. At 300 uM or higher, NSC 74859 induced general, nonspecific cytotoxicity independent of Stat3 activation status[1]. Huh-7 cells do not express beta2SP or TBGFR2 and are sensitive to STAT3 inhibition, with an IC50 of 100 uM for NSC 74859, regardless of CD133+ status. The IC50 of NSC 74859 is 150 uM for Huh-7 and SNU-398 cells, 15 uM for SNU-475 cells and 200 uM for SNU-182 cells. NSC 74859 inhibits breast carcinoma MDA-MB-435, MDA-MB-453 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines with an IC50 close to 100 uM[2]. In Vivo: Human breast (MDA-MB-231) tumor-bearing mice are given an i.v. injection of NSC 74859 (S3I-201) or vehicle every 2 or every 3 days for 2 weeks, and tumor measurements are taken every 2-3 days. Compared with control (vehicle-treated) tumors, which continued to grow, human breast tumors in mice that received S3I-201 display strong growth inhibition. Continued evaluation of treated mice on termination of treatment shows no resumption of tumor growth, suggesting potentially a long-lasting effect of S3I-201 on tumor growth[1]. Compared with vehicle-treated control tumors (n=15), which continued to grow, S3I-201 treatment of somatotroph tumor xenografts (n=15) significantly attenuated tumor growth for the duration of the experiment. Tumors derived from NSC 74859-treated rats are significantly smaller than those from the untreated group (220+/-16 mm3 vs. 287+/-16 mm3, P<0.01) as early as 5 days after NSC 74859 injection. Fifteen days after treatments, the average tumor volume of NSC 74859-treated rats is 64% of that of controls (449+/-40 mm3 vs. 708+/-83 mm3, P<0.01). Rats are sacrificed and tumors are harvested 15 days after treatment initiation. The average tumor weight of NSC 74859-treated rats is 78+/-8 mg, while tumors derived from control rats weighed 114+/-13 mg (32% reduction; P<0.05)[3].

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 50mg
Lieferbar: In stock


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