
Native Bovine ECGF (cell culture grade extract) + Heparin

ArtNr CS-CSI12111
Hersteller Cell Sciences
Menge 6 mg
Typ Proteins
Specific against Cattle (Bovine)
Host Cattle/Cow
Purity Crude extract
ECLASS 10.1 32160409
ECLASS 11.0 32160409
UNSPSC 12352202
Similar products Endothelial Cell Growth Factor
Manufacturer - Category
Storage Conditions
Prior to reconstitution store vial at 2-8 C. After reconstitution, the product may be stored as aliquots at -20 C. It is recommended to store the reconstituted solution in aliquots at -20C.. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Endothelial cell growth factor (ECGF) is an extract of bovine brain containing growth promoting factors for vascular endothelial cells of mammalian origin. ECGF has also been reported to be beneficial as a media supplement for the fusion and growth of hybridoma cells in monoclonal antibody production. Endothelial cell growth factor is prepared using a modification of the method of Maciag, et al. (1979) lyophilized from a sterile solution containing NaCl and streptomycin sulfate. Endothelial cells from human uMbilical vein (HUVEC) can be established as primary cultures by traditional methods. The serial propagation of these cells has proved to be difficult. The long-term propagation of these cells, in vitro, can be achieved with an extract prepared from pig brain. The introduction of a fibronectin or collagen matrix to the cell culture system allows to cultivate endothelial cells at clonal densities. With ECGF, the FCS requirement can be reduced. Heparin potentiates the mitogenic activity of crude preparations of ECGF. ECGF has also been reported to eliminate the need for feeder cells in the clonal growth of hybridomas and other cell types.
2.5 mg Heparin added per mg ECGF. Lyophilized from PBS, pH 7.4 without preservatives.
Centrifuge vial prior to opening. Endothelial cell growth factor is supplied as a sterile lyophilized powder containing 6 mg protein per vial. To obtain a stock solution reconstitute the contents of the vial in 2 ml of prewarmed (37 C) sterile balanced salt solution. Gently rotate the vial until the contents are dissolved. This stock solution may be further diluted in sterile tissue culture media to obtain the desired working concentrations. Although the stock solution can be added aseptically to sterile tissue culture medium, it is recommended that medium containing diluted product is aseptically filtered prior to use. The 6 mg ECGF are sufficient for 500 ml medium.
Bovine ECGF is effective on mouse, bovine and human cells
Biological Activity
Optimum concentration for human uMbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) range from 50-200 ug/ml, optimal concentration with heparin (50 ug/ml) is about 10 ug/ml. As a growth supplement for use in monoclonal antibody production the optimum range is 25 to 100 ug/ml.

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 6 mg
Lieferbar: In stock


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