
p300 Colorimetric Cell-Based ELISA Kit Europäischer Partner

ArtNr BOS-EKC1420
Hersteller Boster
Menge 1 kit, containing one 96-well plate and all necessary reagents
Typ Elisa-Kit
Applikationen ELISA
Specific against Human, Mouse, Rat
Sensitivity >5000 cells
ECLASS 10.1 32160605
ECLASS 11.0 32160605
UNSPSC 41116126
Alias Histone acetyltransferase p300;p300 HAT; ;E1A-associated protein p300;Histone butyryltransferase p300;2.3.1.- ;Histone crotonyltransferase p300;2.3.1.- ;Protein propionyltransferase p300;2.3.1.- ;EP300;P300;
Manufacturers Product Category
Cell-Based ELISA Kits
Short Description
The p300 Cell-Based ELISA Kit is a convenient, lysate-free, high throughput and sensitive assay kit that can monitor p300 protein expression profile in cells. The kit can be used for measuring the relative amounts of p300 in cultured cells as well as screening for the effects that various treatments, inhibitors (ie. siRNA or chemicals), or activators have on p300.
The p300 Cell-Based ELISA Kit is a convenient, lysate-free, high throughput and sensitive assay kit that can monitor p300 protein expression profile in cells. The kit can be used for measuring the relative amounts of p300 in cultured cells as well as screening for the effects that various treatments, inhibitors (ie. siRNA or chemicals), or activators have on p300.
Gene Name
Store at 4°C for up to 6 months.
Gene Full Name
Histone acetyltransferase p300
Molecular Weight
264161 MW
Protein Function
Functions as histone acetyltransferase and regulates transcription via chromatin remodeling (PubMed:23415232, PubMed:23934153, PubMed:8945521). Acetylates all four core histones in nucleosomes. Histone acetylation gives an epigenetic tag for transcriptional activation (PubMed:23415232, PubMed:23934153, PubMed:8945521). Mediates cAMP-gene regulation by binding specifically to phosphorylated CREB protein. Mediates acetylation of histone H3 at 'Lys-122' (H3K122ac), a modification that localizes at the surface of the histone octamer and stimulates transcription, possibly by promoting nucleosome instability. Mediates acetylation of histone H3 at 'Lys-27' (H3K27ac) (PubMed:23911289). Also functions as acetyltransferase for non-histone targets, such as ALX1, HDAC1, PRMT1 or SIRT2 (PubMed:12929931, PubMed:16762839, PubMed:18722353). Acetylates 'Lys-131' of ALX1 and acts as its coactivator (PubMed:12929931). Acetylates SIRT2 and is proposed to indirectly increase the transcriptional activity of TP53 through acetylation and subsequent attenuation of SIRT2 deacetylase function (PubMed:18722353). Acetylates HDAC1 leading to its inactivation and modulation of transcription (PubMed:16762839). Acts as a TFAP2A-mediated transcriptional coactivator in presence of CITED2 (PubMed:12586840). Plays a role as a coactivator of NEUROD1- dependent transcription of the secretin and p21 genes and controls terminal differentiation of cells in the intestinal epithelium. Promotes cardiac myocyte enlargement. Can also mediate transcriptional repression. Acetylates FOXO1 and enhances its transcriptional activity (PubMed:15890677). Acetylates BCL6 wich disrupts its ability to recruit histone deacetylases and hinders its transcriptional repressor activity (PubMed:12402037). Participates in CLOCK or NPAS2-regulated rhythmic gene transcription; exhibits a circadian association with CLOCK or NPAS2, correlating with increase in PER1/2 mRNA and histone H3 acetylation on the PER1/2 promoter (PubMed:14645221). Acetylates MTA1 at 'Lys-626' which is essential for its transcriptional coactivator activity (PubMed:16617102). Acetylates XBP1 isoform 2; acetylation increases protein stability of XBP1 isoform 2 and enhances its transcriptional activity (PubMed:20955178). Acetylates PCNA; acetylation promotes removal of chromatin-bound PCNA and its degradation during nucleotide excision repair (NER) (PubMed:24939902). Acetylates MEF2D (PubMed:21030595). Acetylates and stabilizes ZBTB7B protein by antagonizing ubiquitin conjugation and degragation, this mechanism may be involved in CD4/CD8 lineage differentiation (PubMed:20810990). In addition to protein acetyltransferase, can use different acyl-CoA substrates, such as (2E)-butenoyl-CoA (crotonyl-CoA), butanoyl-CoA (butyryl- CoA) or propanoyl-CoA (propionyl-CoA), and is able to mediate protein crotonylation, butyrylation or propionylation, respectively (PubMed:25818647, PubMed:17267393). Acts as a histone crotonyltransferase; crotonylation marks active promoters and enhancers and confers resistance to transcriptional repressors (PubMed:25818647). Histone crotonyltransferase activity is dependent on the concentration of (2E)-butenoyl-CoA (crotonyl-CoA) substrate and such activity is weak when (E)-but-2-enoyl-CoA (crotonyl-CoA) concentration is low (PubMed:25818647). Also acts as a histone butyryltransferase; butyrylation marks active promoters (PubMed:17267393). Functions as a transcriptional coactivator for SMAD4 in the TGF-beta signaling pathway (PubMed:25514493). Acetylates PCK1 and promotes PCK1 anaplerotic activity (PubMed:30193097).
Subcellular Localization
Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Chromosome. Localizes to active chromatin: Colocalizes with histone H3 acetylated and/or crotonylated at 'Lys-18' (H3K18ac and H3K18cr, respectively) (PubMed:25818647). In the presence of ALX1 relocalizes from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Colocalizes with ROCK2 in the nucleus (PubMed:12929931).

Hinweis: Die dargestellten Informationen und Dokumente (Bedienungsanleitung, Produktdatenblatt, Sicherheitsdatenblatt und Analysezertifikat) entsprechen unserem letzten Update und sollten lediglich der Orientierung dienen. Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Aktualität. Für spezifische Anforderungen bitten wir Sie, uns eine Anfrage zu stellen.

Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 1 kit, containing one 96-well plate and all necessary reagents
Lieferbar: In stock


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