
IL22 Recombinant Protein (Mouse) (OPBG00358)

ArtNr OPBG00358
Hersteller AVIVA Systems Biology
Menge 2ug
Typ Proteins Recombinant
Specific against other
Host E.coli
ECLASS 10.1 32160409
ECLASS 11.0 32160409
UNSPSC 12352202
Gene symbol
Protein name
Gene id
Reconstitution and storage
Store at -20C. Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
Description of target
IL22 is a member of the IL10 family of regulatory cytokines which includes IL10, IL19, IL20, IL22, IL24 and IL26. Members of this family share partial homology in their amino acid sequences, but they are dissimilar in their biological functions. Produced by T lymphocytes, IL22 inhibits IL4 production by Th2 cells, and induces acute phase reactants in the liver and pancreas. IL22 signals through a receptor system consisting of IL10R-beta/CRF2-4 and IL22R, both of which are members of the class II cytokine-receptor family. Recombinant Mouse IL22 is a 33.4 kDa non-disulfide-linked homodimeric protein containing of two 146 amino acid polypeptide chains.
98% Verified by UV Spectroscopy and/or SDS-PAGE gel.
Wet Ice

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 2ug
Lieferbar: In stock


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