
CTCF ELISA Kit (Mouse) (OKEH03508)

ArtNr OKEH03508
Hersteller AVIVA Systems Biology
Menge 96 Wells
Typ Elisa-Kit
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 32160605
ECLASS 11.0 32160605
UNSPSC 41116126
Gene symbol
Protein name
Transcriptional repressor CTCF
Protein size
Molecular weight
84 kDa
Gene id
Reconstitution and storage
Store as indicated in product manual.
Description of target
Chromatin binding factor that binds to DNA sequence specific sites. Involved in transcriptional regulation by binding to chromatin insulators and preventing interaction between promoter and nearby enhancers and silencers. Acts as transcriptional repressor binding to promoters of vertebrate MYC gene and BAG1 gene. Also binds to the PLK and PIM1 promoters. Acts as a transcriptional activator of APP. Regulates APOA1/C3/A4/A5 gene cluster and controls MHC class II gene expression. Plays an essential role in oocyte and preimplantation embryo development by activating or repressing transcription. Seems to act as tumor suppressor. Plays a critical role in the epigenetic regulation. Participates in the allele-specific gene expression at the imprinted IGF2/H19 gene locus. On the maternal allele, binding within the H19 imprinting control region (ICR) mediates maternally inherited higher-order chromatin conformation to restrict enhancer access to IGF2. Plays a critical role in gene silencing over considerable distances in the genome. Preferentially interacts with unmethylated DNA, preventing spreading of CpG methylation and maintaining methylation-free zones. Inversely, binding to target sites is prevented by CpG methylation. Plays a important role in chromatin remodeling. Can dimerize when it is bound to different DNA sequences, mediating long-range chromatin looping. Mediates interchromosomal association between IGF2/H19 and WSB1/NF1 and may direct distant DNA segments to a common transcription factory. Causes local loss of histone acetylation and gain of histone methylation in the beta-globin locus, without affecting transcription. When bound to chromatin, it provides an anchor point for nucleosomes positioning. Seems to be essential for homologous X-chromosome pairing. May participate with Tsix in establishing a regulatable epigenetic switch for X chromosome inactivation. May play a role in preventing the propagation of stable methylation at the escape genes from X-inactivation. Involved in sister chromatid cohesion. Associates with both centromeres and chromosomal arms during metaphase and required for cohesin localization to CTCF sites. Regulates asynchronous replication of IGF2/H19.7 Publications
Assay info
Assay Methodology: Quantitative Competitive ELISA
39.3 pg/mL
Wet Ice

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 96 Wells
Lieferbar: In stock


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