ArtNr |
AAR-BLM-3-4 |
Hersteller |
Menge |
4 Sample Kit |
Quantity options |
2 Sample Kit
4 Sample Kit
Kategorie |
Typ |
Array |
Specific against |
Rat (Rattus norvegicus) |
ECLASS 10.1 |
32161000 |
ECLASS 11.0 |
32161000 |
41116126 |
Versandbedingung |
Gekühlt |
Lieferbar |
Manufacturer - Applications |
Multiplexed Protein Detection Detection of Relative Protein Expression Detecting Patterns of Cytokine Expression Biomarker Screening Identifying Key Factors Confirming a Biological Process Cross-species testing |
Manufacturer - Category |
Arrays|High-Density Arrays|Antibody Arrays|Label-Based Antibody Arrays |
Shipping Temperature |
Blue ice |
Storage Conditions |
For best results, store Box 1 frozen at -20°C and Box 2 at 4°C upon arrival. Stored this way the kit will be stable for at least 6 months which is the duration of the product warranty period. Once thawed, store array membranes at -20°C and all other reagents undiluted at 4°C for no more than 3 months. |
Number of Targets Detected |
500 |
Compatible Sample Types |
Cell Culture Supernatants Cell Lysates Other Body Fluids
Plasma Serum Tissue Lysates |
Design Principle |
Label-based |
Method of Detection |
Chemiluminescence |
Quantitative/Semi-Quantitative |
Semi-Quantitative |
Solid Support |
Membrane |
Gene Symbols |
A2M | ABCC1 | ABCF1 | ACAN | ACAT1 | ACKR3 | ACP5 | ADAMTS10 | ADAMTS15 | ADAMTSL2| AGER | AHCY | AHSG | AKT2 | ALB | AMHR2 | ANGPTL2 | ANGPTL3 | ANKRD9 | ANXA6 | AOC3 | APBA2 | APEH | APOA1 | APOA2 | APOB | APOE | ARHGAP1 | ATG5 | ATP5F1C | B3GAT1 | B4GALT1 | B7-1 | BAX | BCAR1 | BDNF | BLMH | BMP1 | BMP15 | BNIP2 | BOLA2 | BTC | BTF3 | C1QC | C1S | C3 | C5 | CA1 | CA2 | CA3 | CADM4 | CALB1 | CCL1 | CCL12 | CCL17 | CCL2 | CCL20 | CCL24 | CCL25 | CCL28 | CCND1 | CCR3 | CCR4 | CCT3 | CCT4 | CD24 | CD2AP | CD40LG | CD9 | CDC14A | CDK12 | CDKN1A | CFC1 | CFH | CFI | CFL1 | CGA | CGN | CHCHD3 | CHEK1 | CHGB | CLDN3 | CLDN4 | CMA1 | CNPY2 | CNPY4 | CNTFR | COL19A1 | COTL1 | CPE | CRADD | CREB1 | CRHBP | CRTAC1 | CRTAM | CSE1L | CSF2 | CSF2RB | CSF3R | CSK | CST4 | CST5 | CST6 | CSTA | CSTB | CTF1 | CTNND1 | CTSA | CX3CL1 | CXCL11 | CXCL2 | CXCL3 | CXCL5 | CXCR2 | CXCR4 | DCXR | DDR2 | DLL4 | DMBT1 | DMGDH | DNTTIP2 | DSCAM | DSG1 | ECI1 | EDA | EDAR | EDN1 | EEF2 | EIF4E | EML2 | EPHA1 | EPHA2 | EPHX2 | ERCC2 | ERCC5 | EREG | ESRRA | EVC2 | F12 | F5 | F7 | F9 | FAM3C | FAS | FASLG | FCER2 | FCN2 | FDPS | FGF11 | FGF20 | FGF23 | FGF9 | FGFBP1 | FGFR1 | FGFR2 | FGFRL1 | FGG | FGL1 | FH | FLG2 | FLT4 | FN1 | FOXN3 | FSTL1 | FZD1 | FZD4 | FZD5 | FZD6 | FZD7 | GAL | GDF15 | GDF2 | GDF5 | GFRA4 | GGCT | GHR | GKN1 | GLI2 | GLIPR2 | GLUT4 | GM2A | GP2 | GPD1 | GPNMB | GPR39 | GRHPR | GSK3B | GSN | GSR | GSTM1 | GSTO1 | GUCA2B | GULP1 | GZMA | GZMM | H2AFJ | HBEGF | HCRT | HEG1 | HEXB | HGFAC | HNRNPL | HOXB3 | HOXD11 | HP | HPCAL1 | HSPE1 | HTRA1 | ICAM1 | ICAM2 | ICOSLG | IDE | IFNB1 | IFNGR1 | IFNL3 | IGF2BP2 | IGFBP2 | IL11 | IL12B | IL12RB1 | IL13 | IL15 | IL16 | IL17A | IL17C | IL17D | IL19 | IL1A | IL1F10 | IL1RL1 | IL1RL2 | IL24 | IL27 | IL2RB | IL3 | IL36A | IL36G | IL36RN | IL5 | INHBA | INS1 | INSL3 | IRF6 | JAK2 | KIF5B | KIT | KITLG | KLK10 | KLK11 | KLK5 | KLK6 | KRAS | LAMA5 | LASP1 | LBP | LEFTY1 | LEFTY2 | LEMD3 | LGALSL | LHPP | LIMS1 | LOC100911485 | LRG1 | LRP6 | LSAMP | LUZP1 | MADCAM1 | MAP2K3 | MAP2K7 | MCL1 | MDC | MEP1A | MICB | MMP10 | MMP13 | MMP16 | MMP7 | MMRN2 | MSLN | MUSK | MYBPC3 | MZB1 | NACA | NADK | NAGPA | NAMPT | NAPRT | NECTIN4 | NEUROD1 | NGF | NID1 | NID2 | NIT2 | NLN | NNT | NOV | NPB | NPTXR | NRF1 | NRP2 | NRTN | OMD | OSCAR | OSM | P4HB | PAPPA1 | PCLO | PCOLCE | PCSK1N | PDCD1 | PDGFA | PDGFC | PDGFD | PDGFRB | PDLIM5 | PDZD2 | PENK | PF4 | PFAS | PFDN6 | PGF | PGR | PHGDH | PIK3R2 | PIP4K2A | PLA2G1B | PLAU | PLD4 | PLIN3 | PLS3 | PLXNB2 | PNP | POMC | PON1 | POU5F1 | PPIF | PPP1CC | PPY | PRDX3 | PRELP | PRKAA1 | PRLR | PROK1 | PROM1 | PROZ | PRRC2A | PRSS2 | PRSS8 | PRTN3 | PSMB1 | PSMD2 | PSMD9 | PSME1 | PTGDR2 | PTHLH | PTMA | PTX3 | PYY | QARS | QSOX1 | RARRES2 | RETN | RETNLB | REV3L | RHEB | RNASE6 | ROBO4 | ROR1 | RP1 | RPL12 | RPL23A | RPLP0 | RPS13 | RPS14 | RPS15A | RPS23 | RPS3A | RPS5 | RPS8 | RPS9 | RREB1 | RSF1 | S100A10 | S100A11 | S100A9 | S100B | SARNP | SCGB1A1 | SDF4 | SELE | SELENBP1 | SELL | SELP | SEPT7 | SERBP1 | SERPINA3L | SERPINA5 | SERPINB5 | SERPINC1 | SERPINH1 | SET | SFRP4 | SH3BGRL3 | SHBG | SHOX2 | SIGLEC1 | SLAMF8 | SLC2A1 | SLC2A2 | SLC2A5 | SLC38A10 | SLITRK1 | SLPI | SLURP1 | SMAD1 | SMAD4 | SMAD5 | SMAD9 | SOX5 | SPARC | SPINK7 | SPINT1 | SPTBN1 | SST | SSTR2 | STXBP2 | SVEP1 | SYK | SYN1 | TAGLN2 | TALDO1 | TARS | TCF20 | TFF1 | TFF2 | TGFB1 | TGFB2 | TGFB3 | TGFBR1 | TGFBR2 | THBS1 | THBS2 | THBS4 | THY1 | TICAM2 | TIMP1 | TIMP2 | TK1 | TKFC | TKT | TLN2 | TLR1 | TLR3 | TLR4 | TMEFF1 | TMEFF2 | TMEM223 | TNFRSF10B | TNFRSF11B | TNFRSF13B | TNFRSF13C | TNFRSF14 | TNFRSF8 | TNXB | TOMM70 | TPI1 | TPM3 | TPP1 | TRADD | TRIM14 | TSLP | TTF1 | TTN | TUBA1C | TWF2 | TXNDC15 | TXNDC5 | TYMP | UBB | UBE2D3 | UBE2I | UNC45A | UNC5D | UROC1 | USP2 | VAPA | VARS | VDAC1 | VEGFA | VEGFB | VEGFC | VTN | WARS | WFIKKN1 | WFIKKN2 | WISP1 | WISP2 | XCL1 | YY1 | ZC3H4 |
Kit Components |
Ray Bio® L-Series Antibody Array Membranes Labeling Reagent Stop Solution Blocking Buffer Detection Buffer C Detection Buffer D Wash Buffer 1 Wash Buffer 2 HRP-Conjugated Streptavidin Concentrate Plastic Sheets Spin Columns Labeling Buffer Lysis Buffer Plastic Incubation Tray |
Other Materials Required |
Distilled or de-ionized water Small plastic or glass containers Orbital shaker or oscillating rocker Pipettors, pipette tips and other common lab consumables2?5 ml tube15 ml conical collection tube Tissue Paper, blotting paper or chromatography paper A chemiluminescent blot documentation system (such as UVP's Chemi Doc-It® or Epi Chem I I Benchtop Darkroom or G E's Image Quant™ LAS 4000 or Amersham Imagers 600 and 680), X-ray Film and a suitable film processor, or another chemiluminescent detection system. |
Protocol Outline |
Purify Samples with Spin Column Biotinylate Samples Purify biotinylated samples using spin column Block array membranes Incubate with Samples Incubate with HRP-Conjugated Streptavidin Incubate with Detection Buffers Image with chemiluminescent imaging system Perform densitometry and analysis |
Product Features |
High density arrays Unbiased detection through direct biotin labeling of samples Low sample consumption High detection sensitivity Same day result Affordable and simple to use |
41116133 |
Hinweis: Die dargestellten Informationen und Dokumente (Bedienungsanleitung, Produktdatenblatt, Sicherheitsdatenblatt und Analysezertifikat) entsprechen unserem letzten Update und sollten lediglich der Orientierung dienen. Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Aktualität. Für spezifische Anforderungen bitten wir Sie, uns eine Anfrage zu stellen.
Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.