
SensoLyte® 520 HDAC Activity Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit

ArtNr AS-72084
Hersteller AnaSpec
Menge 1 kit
Typ Assay-Kit
Specific against other
Dry ice Yes
Sequence Ac-Arg-Gly-Lys(Ac)-AMC
ECLASS 10.1 32161090
ECLASS 11.0 32161090
UNSPSC 41116126
Versandbedingung Trockeneis
Manufacturer - Applications
FRET; Protease activity
Manufacturer - Category
Assay Kits
Manufacturer - Targets
Histone deacetylase (HDAC)
Shipping Temperature
Dry Ice
Storage Conditions
Store component C at -80°C. Store all other components at -20°C. Components D and G can be stored at room temperature for convenience. Protect components A and B from light and moisture.
Histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes modulate gene expression through the deacetylation of lysine residues on histone proteins and act as transcriptional repressors of genes. Based on their role in cell cycling, apoptosis and differentiation, HDACs have been chosen as therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. The SensoLyte 520 HDAC Activity Assay Kit provides a convenient, two-step homogeneous procedure for measuring HDAC activity using a fluorogenic substrate. In the first step, an acetylated substrate is incubated with HDAC containing samples. Deacetylation of substrate sensitizes it, so that, in the second step mixing with the HDAC developer generates a fluorophore, which can then be detected at Ex/Em= 490 nm/520 nm. The substrate included in the kit is cell-permeable, and the assay can be used to measure HDAC activity directly in cell culture in a 96-well plate without a time-consuming cell extraction step. This kit also can be used for high throughput screening of HDAC inhibitors using extracts or purified enzymes. The long wavelength fluorescence of HDAC 520 substrate is less interfered by the autofluorescence of cell components and test compounds. The kit contains: - HDAC 520 substrate - Deacetylated reference standard for calibration - HeLa nuclear extract - Assay buffer - Cell lysis buffer - HDAC developer - Trichostatin A (HDAC inhibitor) - A detailed protocol.
Product Group
Research Area
Epigenetics; Cancer & Apoptosis / 0
Absorbtion (nm)
Emission (nm)
Sequence One-Letter Code
Detection Method
Detection Limit
0.78 ug/ml
Research use

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 1 kit
Lieferbar: In stock


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