
HepG2 cells

ArtNr C0015002
Hersteller Addexbio
Menge One Frozen vial
Typ Tumour Cells
Specific against Human (Homo sapiens)
Dry ice Yes
Citations 1.Patlolla, A. K., Barnes, C., Hackett, D., and Tchounwou, P. B. Potassium dichromate induced cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and oxidative stress in human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 6: 643-653, 2009.
2.Souza, V., Escobar Mdel, C., Bucio, L., Hernandez, E., Gomez-Quiroz, L. E., and Gutierrez Ruiz, M. C. NADPH oxidase and ERK1/2 are involved in cadmium induced-STAT3 activation in HepG2 cells. Toxicol Lett, 187: 180-186, 2009.
3.Liu, Z. H. and Zeng, S. Cytotoxicity of ginkgolic acid in HepG2 cells and primary rat hepatocytes. Toxicol Lett, 187: 131-136, 2009.
4.Zhang, X., Cao, J., Jiang, L., Geng, C., and Zhong, L. Protective effect of hydroxytyrosol against acrylamide-induced cytotoxicity and DNA damage in HepG2 cells. Mutat Res, 664: 64-68, 2009.
5.Verma, P., Verma, V., Ray, P., and Ray, A. R. Agar-gelatin hybrid sponge-induced three-dimensional in vitro 'liver-like' HepG2 spheroids for the evaluation of drug cytotoxicity. J Tissue Eng Regen Med, 3: 368-376, 2009.
6.Barcelos, G. R., Angeli, J. P., Serpeloni, J. M., Rocha, B. A., Mantovani, M. S., and Antunes, L. M. Effect of annatto on micronuclei induction by direct and indirect mutagens in HepG2 cells. Environ Mol Mutagen, 50: 808-814, 2009.
ECLASS 10.1 32160890
ECLASS 11.0 32160890
UNSPSC 41106509


Hepatocellular carcinoma


Established from the tumor tissue of a 15-year-old Argentine boy


Homo sapiens







Cytogenic data:

human hyperdiploid karyotype


Male, 15 yrs of age


AddexBio-formulated RPMI-1640 Medium(C0004-01) + 10% FBS


1:2 to 1:4 using 0.25% trypsin or trypsin/EDTA, 5% CO2; 37C

Freezing Medium:

Complete culture medium supplemented with 5% (v/v) DMSO

Biosafety Level:



Bacteria: Negative

Yeast: Negative

Mycoplasma: Negative


HIV: Negative

Hepatitis B: Negative

Hepatitis C: Negative

Protein Expression:

Express insulin, insulin-like growth factor II (IGF II), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase and hepatic triglyceride lipase activities; decreased expression of apoA-I mRNA and increased expression of catalase mRNA in response to gramoxone

DNA Profile (STR):

Amelogenin: X, Y CSF1PO: 10, 11 D13S317: 9, 13 D16S539: 12, 13 D5S818: 11, 13 D7S820: 10 THO1: 9 TPOX: 8, 9 vWA: 17 D3S1358: 15, 16 D21S11: 29, 31 D18S51: 13, 14 Penta E: 15, 20 Penta D: 9, 13 D8S1179: 15, 16/17 FGA: 22, 25

Mutations in HepG2 Cells

Related cells by Organ:

Hep3B cells

HepG2 cells

Storage condition
Manufacturers Category
Cell Lines

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: One Frozen vial
Lieferbar: In stock


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