
Biotin-SP-conjugated AffiniPure-VHH® Fragment Alpaca Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) (min X Bov, Hu, Rb Sr Prot)

ArtNr 615-064-214
Hersteller Jackson ImmunoResearch
Menge 0,1 ml
Typ Antibody Secondary
Format Lyophilized
Specific against Mouse (Murine, Mus musculus)
Host Alpaca
Isotype sdAb (VHH)
Konjugat/Tag Biotin
ECLASS 10.1 32160702
ECLASS 11.0 32160702
UNSPSC 12352203
Manufacturer - Category
AffiniPure-VHH™ Secondary Antibodies
Manufacturer - Conjugate / Tag
Biotin-SP (long spacer)
Storage Conditions
Store freeze-dried solid at 2-8°C. Rehydrate with the indicated volume of dH2O (see product specification sheet) and centrifuge if not clear. Prepare working dilution on day of use. Product is stable for about 6 weeks at 2-8°C as an undiluted liquid.
Expiration Date
one year from date of rehydration. The expiration date may be extended if test results are acceptable for the intended use.
Extended Storage after Rehydration
Aliquot and freeze at -70°C or below. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Alternatively, add an equal volume of glycerol (ACS grade or better) for a final concentration of 50%, and store at -20°C as a liquid.
0.05% Sodium Azide
Suggested Working Concentration or Dilution Range
1:20, 000 - 1:400, 000 for ELISA and Western blotting using enzyme-conjugated streptavidin

1:500 - 1:5, 000 for enzyme immunohisto/cytochemistry

1:200 - 1:1, 000 for flow cytometry and fluorescence immunohisto/cytochemistry

Dilution factors are presented in the form of a range because the optimal dilution is a function of many factors, such as antigen density, permeability, etc. The actual dilution used must be determined empirically.
0.01M Sodium Phosphate, 0.25M NaCl, pH 7.6
15 mg/ml Bovine Serum Albumin (IgG-Free, Protease-Free)
Manufacturer - Specificity
IgG (H+L)
Minimal Cross Reactivity
Bovine, Human, Rabbit Serum Proteins
Based on immunoelectrophoresis and/or ELISA, the antibody reacts with whole molecule mouse IgG. It also reacts with the light chains of other mouse immunoglobulins. The antibody has been tested by ELISA and/or solid-phase adsorbed to ensure minimal cross-reaction with bovine, human and rabbit serum proteins, but it may cross-react with immunoglobulins from other species.
Physical State
Freeze-dried solid
The antibody was purified from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography using antigens coupled to agarose beads. Fc fragments and whole IgG molecules have been removed.

Hinweis: Die dargestellten Informationen und Dokumente (Bedienungsanleitung, Produktdatenblatt, Sicherheitsdatenblatt und Analysezertifikat) entsprechen unserem letzten Update und sollten lediglich der Orientierung dienen. Wir übernehmen keine Garantie für die Aktualität. Für spezifische Anforderungen bitten wir Sie, uns eine Anfrage zu stellen.

Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 0,1 ml
Lieferbar: In stock

Lieferung vsl. bis 10.04.2025 


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